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Monday, December 5, 2011

My Opinion - The Last PC Standing

Who outed MacKay?

This whole helicopter issue is distasteful on every level. I am not a fan of MacKay, Hell I outright despise the weasle, but I have to wonder who sicced the media dogs on him.

We all know that the media is constantly requesting information under the "Freedom of information Act", but why this particular information. Nobody in the media is that intelligent or that selective to chose one item out of thousands.

Someone had to secretly provide them with directions. Could it have been disgruntled military personnel or better yet the PMO?

I say it is the PMO.

Now why would I go with the Prime Ministers Office?

Simple, MacKay is the last of the old PC Party in the Conservative Reform Alliance Party  (aka CRAP) and he is defying Harpers attempt to paint the Prime Ministers plane, and well he should.

The media has ridiculed Harper time and again over MacKay's resistance. Harper is known to be a vindictive backstabber, one only need look at his path of destruction. With MacKay in the hot seat Harper can bully him into submission or fire his ass making MacKay the last PC out.

Furthermore the PMO is known to subversively put out information to direct attention away from major issues such as the plight of natives, seniors, military or "The Department of Religious Freedom". 

Now I know it is just speculation on my part but, it is far more logical than the media's babbling and the oppositions waste of time on an issue they cannot win.

PS... I am still angry at MacKay for selling out the old PC Party and leaving us with CRAP.

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