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Monday, December 9, 2013

The time has come to fight tyranny right here at home!

 Pat Stogran
about an hour ago via Mobile ·
Lately a lot of Veterans have contacted me frustrated with the current situation and tired of sharing rants and raves with our comrades in the Veterans Community! You are so right!

The last people we have to convince is our own rank-and-file! Don't despair! I am calling on all warriors, present day and the Old Guard like me, not to let up on the fight! To the contrary, now is the time to dig down deep and bring out your best fighting spirit! Our warrior brethren have gone overseas to fight tyranny on behalf of our Country, the time has come to fight tyranny right here at home!

For the time being, throw your support behind the Equitas Society's class action suit against the government for the harm they have caused Vets with the NVC. During the certification process the BC Supreme Court admonished the DOJ bureaucrats for how brazen they are in conspiring against Vets, so it is going to the Supreme Court of Canada. When it comes to the discovery phase where Equitas can compell testimony from bureaucrats and subpoena documents it is going to blow this charade wide open -- guaranteed! I am sure the the Feds will settle out of court before that rather than be forced to open up. By then hopefully we will have come up with some more creative courses of action that will hit them where it hurts. Yippee-Kay-Ay! P@

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