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Friday, December 27, 2013

If my grandfather only knew....

Here is an email I received today (26 December 2013) from Ralph B.....

Hi Bob,
We had Christmas dinner at my daughter Lorna's in-laws last night.
When dinner was served once you showed up in spirit as I dug into my " Nurnips"
Once again Thanks for the laugh.

It's now a joke to Millie as well.
And now the rest of the story, the best part of which brings back fond memories of those who have since left us and those we are still in contact with for over 50 years....
My granddad Arthur Taylor was born with a severe clef lip that left him with a speech impediment. Mind you it never hurt his dalliances with the fairer sex as my grandmother threw him out when I was about 12 years old.
In the early 60's Art came to live with us on Gregory in Greenfield Park. At the same time my grandmother moved into the upper flat over Dave and Roz at 357 Empire.
That's grandpa and nanny in the photo on the left.
Like all good Parkers I was friends with everyone, some closer than others. Graham Kroll was one of those that I was very close to, and for those of you who knew Graham you are well aware of his great sense of humour.
Well if grandpa only knew back then how Graham and I would mimic his speech impediment I am sure he would have kick our posterior all over town.
We certainly meant no harm by it and the silliness continued throughout our lives.
At the time no one thought to mention that my granddad Art had been married to my nanny Jeanne since they didn't live together and hadn't for years. Not that it was a secret but simply an omission on our part.
Well after Pat and I married my nanny moved in with us. It was thanksgiving 1968 and Marly and Graham came for dinner. We sat down to eat and as usual one of the vegetables served was turnips, one of those special words that grandpa Art could not pronounce.
I couldn't help myself.... here was Graham, there were the turnips and on his left was my nanny.... what better time to egg him on....

Graham and Marly in photo on the right
Well Graham started mimicking grandpa.... "I love my nurnips, do you love nurnips Bob"
Nanny turned to him and with a serious voice said "I don't think you should make fun of my husband" ...... poor Graham almost cried as he apologized .... and nanny said "that's OK I was only teasing you" ..... Graham never forgave me for that day....
I do know though that all three of them, although they are gone, have brought us all fond memories of "nurnips"

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