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Friday, December 27, 2013

Conservatives - telling Canadians what they want to hear but costing them more

" From food prices to cable" Four things that will cost you more in 2014

Knowing how superficial the techie age is today this Conservative government is telling them "we are working for you to lower cell phone service"..... oh and by the way "we are going to unbundle your TV cable packages".....

In reality they are saying to Canadians "so you want to pay more for less ... fine we'll help you"

Canadian inability to see the full picture of what this government is NOT doing for them will cost them dearly in the future

So you are fed up with paying high taxes for services such as "medicare". CPP, EI etc. well folks one just needs to look at what the future holds for them.

Higher premium payments to private insurers for medical services, restricted as to those doctors registered with your service provider, limits on total amount of coverage.

CPP and EI are shared cost programs between the employee and the company. The company has the added advantage of building that cost into their overhead then adding their markup and selling the product back to the consumer, including their employees, and making a profit.

Canada flourished prior to this Conservative Reform Alliance Party fraudulently, according to court records, affecting the rights of voters to cast their vote.

The next 2 years will be spent giving the Canadian voter a false sense of security that the Harper sock puppets are working in their best interest.......

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