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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My wish for you....

In the spirit of the Festive Season I would like to wish my relatives and friends here on "THE ECO-SENIOR", whether you be Christian, Hebrew, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu or whatever your religious belief may be, a very happy and prosperous future.

The attached sketch is an important part of my life and I share it with everyone in the hope that it brings us all together in the future success and growth of o
ur Canada, a country of renewed purpose in the betterment of mankind.

My father drew this sketch at the age of 12 in 1921, the year my mother was born. It is done with a quill pen and black ink. The sketch portrays life in the early 1900's in Lower Westmount Quebec. Le Reveillon was and still is an important part of Quebec life..... enjoy and may you have many more years of celebration....

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