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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Getting old, one day at a time

It's been two years since I took early retirement and here's how it's going.

I received my first OAS cheque in December - that's making me feel older.
It seems that I don't sleep as well at night as I use to - that's making me feel older.
I am losing track of the days of the week - that's making me feel older.
It seems my shirts and belt buckle are getting tighter - that's making  me feel older.
It seems that I can slip easily on snow / ice and not re-gain my balance before I end up
looking at the sky - that's making me feel older.
It seems that I can only do one thing per day: shopping or visiting or working
around the house, not all 3 in the same day - that's making me feel older.
I was talking to a relative and mentioned 'chesterfield' a young niece asked,
"what's a chesterfield uncle Joe - that makes me feel older.
I was talking to a young neighbor (27 years old) and I mentioned a 'record
player' he started laughing - that's making me feel older.
I have recently talked with 2, sixty-year old men and they mentioned
they play old timers hockey - I can't even skate anymore - that's making me feel older.
It seems that I go 2 or 3 days without shaving - which makes me look and feel older.

Thanks Joe Y

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