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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Email from Ralph on Hawaii photos

I bet your holiday in Hawaii ...just saw pics on the blog wasn't this cheap...
See Below.
I don't know how many of you saw the article about Delta on CNN.
Apparently some programmer made a Boo-boo and until it was discovered their On line air tickets
basically anywhere were almost free.
When I saw it I wondered if anyone we knew had cashed in.
The screwed up prices only lasted about 3 hours before the error  was discovered.
CNN says the Airline must honor these tickets.
I just got an email from my cousins son Joe who caddies on the PGA tour.
The first tournament of the year for him this year is in Hawaii in early January.
He got his ticket there from Delta during the screwup.
( Phoenix - Honolulu  return for $75.00 Total ..... $15.00 ticket plus $60.00 in taxes)
Way to go Joey!!!!!!!
Thanks Ralph..... we sure didn't but we did book the trip out of Buffalo to Atlanta, Atlanta to Oahu at a very good price..... rather than use a credit card I paid cash.... in Toronto and subject to US taxes..... another plus .... no GST.....

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