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Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The CPC have no honour. I know, it seems like a strange archaic term to use in the 21st century. But, without honour, what are we? Harper has no honour. He lies, avoids, hides, carries out his plans covertly while displaying a different face for the public. His Ministers have no honour. They are either peons who do not recognize the harm they do, or they are accomplices who are enjoying the great scam the party is pulling on the people of Canada (the people who, by the first ...past the post system anyway, put their faith in them). They have betrayed any faith they may have been given at the polls. They are without honour.
Again, a strange and archaic concept. But, think about it. What if no one believed your word? What if no one trusted you? Your honour is the same as saying my word is my bond. Your honour is what your word is worth. And the word of any of the CPC who are going along with Harper is absolutely worthless. Look at Moore. Look at Flaherty. Look at any of them. They will say whatever is expedient. Whatever is easy to clear the path for what they want to do or get them out of trouble. There is no truth or honesty in them. And so, no honour. I cringe when I hear the MPs called "the honourable" or the PM called "the right honourable" because they have no honour.
This is something we need to look at, and find a way to translate it to something people can relate to. People in Alberta. People in the poor neighbourhoods of Toronto and the GTA, people who deserve better than dishonourable representatives who have no interest in them beyond getting their vote. As I said, they have NO HONOUR.

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