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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The recipe

A man is showering up in a locker room
With his buddy when he notices his friend 

Is very well endowed.

'Damn, Bob , you're hung!' Jim exclaims..
'I wasn't always this impressive; I had to
Work for it.'

'What do you mean?' Jim asked.

'Well, every day for the past two years
I've spent an hour each night rubbing it
With butter. I know it sounds crazy but
It actually made it grow 4 inches! You
Should try it.

'Jim agrees and the two depart'

A few months later the two are back in the
Same locker room and Bob asks Jim
How his situation was.

Jim replied, 'I did what you said, Bob ,
But I've actually gotten smaller! I lost
Two inches already!'

'Did you do everything I told you? An
Hour each day with butter?'

'Well, we don't use butter, so I've
Been using Crisco.' 

Wait for it ..........

Wait ...........

You know it's coming...

Crisco!!' Bob exclaimed. '

Damm it, Jim,

Crisco is shortening

MORAL OF THE STORY:You gotta follow the recipe &
men don't listen!

Thanks Ed

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