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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Stephen Harper does not believe in the family unit…..

Canada is a Nation of families. As such we should look out for and protect one another. Unfortunately Stephen Harper does not believe in the family unit.

As children our parents looked out for us, protected us and made sure we had food on the table…. They took responsibility for us. In turn we were told it was our responsibility to look out for our brothers and sisters....

As we grew older and married it became our responsibility to look out for our parents.

That is what families do….

There is a cost to loyalty and honour of the family unit that Stephen Harper and his sock puppets do not understand. We, as a Nation, must take care of our own. There is and always will be a cost to doing so. That cost comes in the form of taxation whether it be corporate or personal. It is cheaper to tax a nation in support of its people than to tax a region to provide the same benefit. It is simple economics to tax 35 million people so that you can benefit 10 million than it is to tax 1 million to benefit 300,000.

Stephen Harper fails to see the benefit or the logic to improving and enhancing the lifestyle of working Canadians. He can see nothing but corporate profits which contribute nothing to the economy.

When a government abdicates its duty to the family unit it loses all respect.


Growing up I was like all my peers, I wanted to be liked. Now that I am a senior I don’t give a damn… I have lived my life my way… I believe in giving, fostering and supporting others… you don’t like me, you don’t agree with me…. Who cares

I believe that as a country we need medicare, CPP and EI, there must be an economic umbrella that protects Canadians at all levels of their lives. It is incomprehensible to expect or anticipate that the worker will consider the possibility of not being employed or to set millions aside in the event that he or she may contract a terminal illness.

Ask yourself this… Am I prepared to watch my best friend wilt away because I refused to pay taxes that would support them in times of need….. if your answer is YES you are a conservative.

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