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Friday, November 15, 2013

Conservatives spent more last year fighting indigenous people than on tax fraud...

…an expensive, time-consuming wrong-headed strategy

Last year the Conservative government spent more fighting Indigenous people in the courts than it spent going after tax frauds. The latest Public Accounts show that the $106 million that the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development spent on litigation last year was more than any other department and almost double the $66 million spent by the runner up, Canada Revenue Agency.

Unfortunately, this approach is what we have come to expect from this government. They willfully ignore Aboriginal rights, daring Indigenous people to take them to court on a range of issues; from First Nations’ child welfare to resource development, the government’s response has been ‘see you in court’.

Time and time again, the courts have sided with Aboriginal people. One would assume this would serve as a wakeup call for the government that their approach is just not working. Unfortunately it has not.

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