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Friday, November 29, 2013

So you think the RoboCall investigation is legitimate?

Police who lie - by Stevie Cameron
Don’t miss the great stories in the Toronto Star today and the past two days about police lying in court and misleading judges.

In their series, Police Who Lie, (The Toronto Star, April 26, 27 and 28), Reporters Jesse McLean and David Bruser have done a terrific job exposing false testimony and manufactured evidence by police officers. The reporters state that judges across Canada have accused more than 120 police officers of lying, racial profiling and lying to the court.
Here’s a brief note on why I take this story personally.

As many of you know, this — police officers who lie — happened to me when Supt. Alan Mathews, the RCMP officer in charge of investigating the Airbus scandal, invented pages and pages of evidence pointing to me as a confidential informant in his case — but it was information he invented to get a search warrant on a helicopter plant, a plant I had never visited, with managers I never interviewed and facts I had never known.

Mathews, (now retired), stated, in a long and secret trial, that I had had hundreds of contacts with the police and was their informant in this case. The Globe and Mail published a massive expose of this ‘scandal,’ written by lawyer William Kaplan, who had written an admiring biography of Brian Mulroney in which I was the main target.


Robocalls investigator took questions to Tory lawyer Arthur Hamilton

A memo from the lead investigator probing misleading robocalls in the 2011 federal election reveals another instance where a Conservative Party lawyer acted as a liaison with a witness in the case.

Questions have already been raised about Arthur Hamilton's presence at interviews with witnesses who work for parliamentarians, but who weren't clients of his.

The June 7, 2013 memo from Al Mathews to the Crown prosecutor assigned to the case recounts Mathews' attempt to confirm an incident at a polling station in Guelph, Ont., the city where thousands of voters received phone calls directing them to the wrong polling station.

The memo was provided to CBC News.


Unbelievable corruption in all phases of this government.

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