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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

FRANK - PMO lickspittles could prove fatal to Harper

by Andrew Douglas
Unfortunately for Stephen Harper, I don't think that old chestnut "it's gonna get worse before it gets better" applies to his current predicament. It might just keep getting worse until the Harper Government ceases to be, and that would be nobody's fault but his own.

It's his own fault for several reasons, but the most important one is that, the Ottawa office where he toils, in the Langevin Block across from Parliament Hill, is not called the Chief of Staff's Office, it's not called the Special Counsel to the Prime Minister's Office, nor is it called the Prime Minister's Communications Director's Office. It's called the Prime Minister's Office. Thus, the Prime Minister of Canada is responsible for what happens in there. And what happened in there is that several of the Prime Minister's most senior staff, at the very least including his former Chief of Staff Nigel Wright, his former legal advisor Ben Perrin, Wright's former assistant David van Hemmen, and Harper's former "issues" manager Chris Woodcock, conspired to secretly - and likely quite illegally  - pay off a sitting Senator in order to protect their boss. Or the party. Or something. Really, nobody knows exactly why so much care was given to Duffy's predicament, but the working assumption is they decided Duffy might be dangerous to them, and it's better to have him inside the tent pissing out than on the outside pissing in. But what was missing from that calculation is maybe it woulda been better to get pissed on for a coupla days by Mike Duffy - who hasn't had any credibility since at least the 1980's anyway - than to get shit on for months by everyone up to and including the RCMP.


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