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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Harper Economics

Mr. Harper burned through the $13 billion dollar Liberal surplus and had us in a deficit BEFORE the recession hit in 2008 because he foolishly lowered corporate tax rates and upped spending by 18% the second he took office. Harper has escalated federal government spending to an all-time record high in excess of $280-billion annually. He has run six consecutive deficits, adding some $160-billion t...o accumulated federal debt and pushing Canada’s debt burden to an all-time record high. Tons of money for propaganda like Action Plan Ads but tells us we need to slash funding to Veterans Affairs and Environment Canada?!

These Republicans have to go before they ruin our economy. Canada used to have good quality jobs for University graduates, now we are almost entirely extraction-based instead of having a thriving knowledge economy to balance it out. Small businesses now pay HIGHER taxes while large multinational Corporations are paying insanely lower and lower taxes. Why are we supporting their few billionaire Corporate buddies instead of supporting Main Street?

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