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Monday, November 25, 2013

Harper - one failure after another

It was not all that long ago, January 2008, that Stephen Harper fired Linda Keen for ordering the shutdown of Chalk River due to maintenance issues. Shortly after ordering a restart of the nuclear plant there was a leak into the Chalk River that forced the plant to shut for refurbishinmg causing a World shortage of medical isotopes........ \

Well Canada Mr. Incompetent has done it again......

Unplanned shutdown triggers isotope shortage; hospitals warned to use cautiously

TORONTO - An unplanned shutdown of the aging Chalk River nuclear reactor has the country on the verge of a major shortage of medical isotopes, the president of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine said Friday.
Dr. Norman Laurin said the forced shutdown of production at the Chalk River facility comes at a time when two of the world's three other major producers of medical isotopes are also out of operation.

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