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Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Burlington Spruce Highway

Last year the cono corporation decided to replace all the fences in our development with a more decorative and structurally stable design. What it has done, besides cleaning up the backyard, is provide them many squirrels in the area with an elevated route to travel the neighbourhood.

For myself, I find it quite entertaining to watch these little scoundrels play tag and on occasion wrestle with one another.

Then about 4 weeks ago Pat, while sitting by the patio doors, said "Oh look a brown squirrel or maybe a chipmunk". We don't have or at least have never seen reds or brown squirrels nor chipmunks in our area so I got up to look. Sure enough it was brown and about 1/2 the size of a grey or black squirrel.

I now have new entertainers to occupy my retirement.

The condo corporation frowns on our feeding the little buggers but human nature prevails. I bought some unsalted shelled sunflower seeds and put them in a margarine top and placed them on the on the back stoop. They tried a few but didn't seem to appreciate them.
That evening I forgot to bring them in as we didn't want to attract raccoons, skunks or rats. The next day I checked on them and found that not only were the seeds gone but whoever took them wanted the margarine top too.
This morning (Tuesday) Pat tried putting out miniature marshmallows, sure enough the little buggers have a sweet tooth.

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