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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

From Michael Harris:

 "Rob Ford and Mike Duffy may not be the end of Stephen Harper, but they are the beginning of the end.

To what must be the disbelief of his political base, the Prime Minister reduced Mayor Ford's saga of crack-cocaine use, driving while over-refreshed, and hanging out with guys who pack heat to a political cliche. When asked for his view of the 'gangsta' side of Rob Ford, Stephen Harper responded that the voters of Toronto will decide his fate....

That can only mean one thing. If nine or ten months from now, a conspiracy of idiots re-elects Rob Ford as mayor of Toronto, Stephen Harper believes that ROFO's drug use and criminal associations will be inconsequential, if not utterly without meaning. Political success purges all. Quite a long way from the fellow who once said he would rather lose an election than do the wrong thing in Afghanistan.

It was also a strange thing to say for a man who has presented himself to his supporters as a champion of law and order. Stephen Harper once spoke for people who thought law-breakers should pay for their crimes - not run for public office. Jason Kenney, who properly called for Ford's resignation, is now the one Harper cabinet minister the base can trust on one of their key issues - justice. As for the PM, popularity apparently trumps criminal behaviour. Not a big seller amongst Conservatives."

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