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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

They don't even have the decency to appologize when they lie

Tories refuse to apologize to Liberal even as Sun Media retracts story their attacks were based on

OTTAWA — Conservative MPs are refusing to apologize for pillorying a Liberal candidate, even though the news story on which their criticism was based has been retracted.
Sun Media retracted Tuesday a story published last week that attributed quotes about the Harper government’s income splitting plan to Banff-Airdrie Liberal candidate Marlo Raynolds.
The quotes came from a secretly recorded conversation during a Nov. 13 public meeting in Canmore, Alta., involving Raynolds, local resident Tam McTavish, one other man and a young woman identified as Alexandra Constantinidis, a former parliamentary assistant to Conservative MP Rob Anders.
The story by Sun News Network personality Brian Lilley alleged that Raynolds had said couples with children would spend money saved from the Tories’ income splitting plan on television sets and cars, not on caring for their kids.
“Mr. Raynolds advises that he did not make those comments and that in fact they were made by Tam McTavish, which Mr. McTavish confirms. Sun Media regrets the error,” read a tiny correction box published Tuesday in the Ottawa Sun.

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