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Monday, June 27, 2016

Jason Kenney: Canadian schools have brainwashed millennials

1. Will first graders continue being "hard-wired" with anti-conservative beliefs?

What would be the first order of business for a hypothetical Premier Kenney?
Presumably somewhere near the top of his list: ordering elementary school teachers to stop brainwashing first graders!
As Kenney explained to Ezra Levant at last month's 2016 Conservative convention, the reason millennials aren't supporting Conservatives is because they're "the first generation to come through a schooling system" (including both "primary and secondary schools") that has "hard-wired" them with "collectivist ideas":
"I think it's the first generation to come through a schooling system where many of them have been hard-wired with collectivist ideas, with watching Michael Moore documentaries, with identity politics from their primary and secondary schools to universities. That's kind of a cultural challenge for any conservative party, any party of the centre-right, and we've got to figure out how to break that nut." 

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