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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Right wing faux sympathy tactic

What is ... synthetic outrage?

Outrage is a very useful tool for politicians and journalists alike because it can be used to sell political ideologies as well as newspapers. Some things are genuinely outrageous, and deserving of media condemnation and decisive political action, but often it suits the purposes of vested interests to manufacture a load of synthetic outrage in order to further their own objectives.

In this article I'm going to use various examples to show how the tactic of using fake outrage to sell political ideologies or newspapers is not a specifically left-wing or right-wing thing, but a tactic that transcends the political spectrum. I'm also going to consider how displays of synthetic outrage seem to be becoming ever more common as the standard of political debate in the UK continues it's lamentable and seemingly inexorable decline into the gutter.

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