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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

No English Speeches Allowed At Canada Day Event

Subject: No English Speeches Allowed At Canada Day Event
Reply-To: "Murray Levine" <>
1) On Friday, July 1st, the separatist Mayor of Longueuil will be the only elected official allowed to speak at the Canada Day celebrations
In past years, at least two other elected officials spoke, and in English. The Mayor of Longueuil has actually tried to have English banned at her city council meetings!
Everyone is encouraged to go celebrate Canada Day in Longueuil and when the mayor gets up to speak, to sing O Canada loud and clear! No idea when she intends to speak. Here is a link to their site
Please write to Mayor Catherine St-Hilaire and wish her a Happy Canada Day!

2) On Monday I attended a Montreal City Council meeting and had LOTS of fun with Mayor Coderre. The video is very amusing. Note how Mayor Coderre avoids the question. Please feel free to write to Mayor Denis Coderre  and ask him if he looks forward to answering my questions in the future!

3) Back in 1995, the OQLF ordered Westmount to remove bilingual signs that turn out to have been perfectly legal. The cost of replacing the signs and interest has been placed at $76,000. I wrote to the Ministry of Culture the other day and asked who I should file the claim with. The reply arrived this morning and I was advised that the Minister himself would personally handle the matter.

I encourage everyone to send the Minister the petition and ask him what he intends to do! :o) The Minister's email address is and here is the link to the petition! 

Happy Canada Day! 

Thanks Millie

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