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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Brad Wall - A 21st Century Dinosaur gets called out on his lies

SK Premier Brad Wall misrepresents energy research, is destroyed on twitter

...and it's beautiful
  1. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall yesterday delivered a speech to the Empire Club of Canada in Toronto, “The case for Energy East: why Canadians should embrace their good fortune.”

    As part of his ongoing campaign to convince skeptical Canadians that pipelines are the one, the only and the always answer to any particular economic development question Canada might ever contemplate, he spends most of his time in this clip mocking the Leap Manifesto and castigating the NDP Finance Critic in his province for daring to contemplate a transition to renewable energy by 2050.

    He references an analysis produced by Stanford professor Mark Z Jacobson, a civil and environmental engineering professor and director of Stanford's Atmosphere and Energy Program. Then he posts a self-congratulatory tweet and Naomi Klein gets involved -- what happens next is hilarious. 

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