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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why would Andrew Scheer ask Ford to hide for 5 months?

Better yet, why would Doug Ford comply?

Because they are brothers politically. Ford and the Ontario PC Party are a byproduct of the CPC which was  formed in part through the creation of the Reform Party and the Alliance Party. The Tory Party of yesteryear was sold out by Peter MacKay.

The CPC a.k.a. Reform Alliance Tory's (RAT's) took office under Stephen Harper in 2006. It soon became apparent that the CPC was nothing like the old PC but rather like a blend of the GOP/Tea Party. Both are now referred to as the "populist movement" a movement made in the boardrooms around the World where populists no longer represent the people but rather the corporate world.

Doug Fords rise to leader of the PC was seen as a bounce for Andrew Scheer and the CPC. The Ontario Liberals had faced a lot of controversy, some real some fake, and voters were filled with misinformation. Ford won the election with the help of FordNation and Ontario Proud a corporate sponsored private interest group. Immediately upon taking office the changes began, cuts were made and budgets to the less fortunate were not just reduced but eliminated entirely. Many of the changes were not campaign promises but rather dropped on the voter out of the blue.

Populism had raised its ugly head. It isn't about campaign promises it is about what is not promised that voters have realized is the true motivating factor behind the populist movement.

Misdirection, suppression of information and faux appointments quickly followed. While education and health services assistance was cut so were taxes to the corporate sector which resulted in an increase in deficit.

Doug Ford's attack on the working class caused much anger and Scheers support was frowned upon in Ontario.

Bottom line - Doug Ford exposed the populist movement and it's Canadian creators, the CPC, for what they are and it is ugly.

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