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Monday, July 15, 2019

"Harperism: How Stephen Harper and His Think Tank Colleagues Have Transf...

Now this is going to seem a bit of an odd post. It's not if you consider that a great number of people have no clue what neoliberalism is, what neoconservatism is, how they are different, how they were created and by whom, and for what purpose.
It addresses each of those things plus a great deal more. How did we slide into neoliberalism? Who started it? How? Why? How neoconservatism and neololiberalism, are intertwined in political messaging and policies.
Who still follows it? Why? Who is pushing it all? Why? How?
It is stunning to see statements by certain party faithful that fly completely in the face of known fact. It is disheartening to see others misinterpret other policies and political games. It is disturbing to note the lack of understanding, of the ascribed but erroneous attributes to leaders, parties, policies.
So, please ... please take the time to listen to Donald Gutstein as he presents the basics, facts, history, slides, information on all of that and more. It's not so much about Harper as about his beliefs. How his beliefs were formed, who also shares them and why. He's not gone. Neither are his beliefs. They are rolling on and out. If you want to discuss election policies and political foibles, at least start with some history and facts.
The talk is worth your time. And yes, it is as applicable now, as it was before the last election. The game is still ongoing. In fact, it may be even more important since the fog of media and deliberate distortions blurs much, and much of that deliberate.
For your sake, for the sake of your voting from a place of knowledge rather than emotion or well-intended blind partisanship, take the time to listen.

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