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Saturday, July 20, 2019

As long as Andrew Scheer and the CPC find these groups useful to advance their cause they will grow bolder

Here's What Canada Can Learn From Hamilton, Ont.'s Far-Right Problem

When fascists believe a city and its police are on their side, they feel emboldened to act more aggressively.

Hamilton, Ont. has become fertile ground for right-wing extremists, and city leaders have so far demonstrated themselves to be profoundly ill-equipped to respond effectively. A cascade of policy failures and glaring missteps have exposed a rift between the city and its most vulnerable constituents. 
The dynamics playing out here are symptomatic of a broader movement across Canada insinuating itself into politics at every level. We cannot afford to ignore the danger of fascist movements, and recent events in Hamilton offer a poignant case study for all Canadian cities in how not to respond to the growing threat.

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