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Friday, July 26, 2019

More bull from Scheer

“Complete lack of consultation,” Scheer said. The food guide should “reflect what we know, what the science tells us.
Could this be true? Seven seconds of Googling tells us that, indeed, it is not. Over here at, we see the results of Health Canada’s consultations on the food guide. In Phase I of the consultation, nearly 20,000 people and organizations made submissions, including 265 organizations representing the food industry.
In Phase 2, more than 6,000 submissions were received, including 98 from the food and beverage industry. Most submissions agreed with promoting water consumption, noted that milk is a “healthy” alternative, and indeed emphasized that for the youngest children, there’s no need to discourage fatty homogenized milk.
Every element of Scheer’s shtick in front of the dairy farmers was lifted from Doug Ford’s behaviour last year in regard to Ontario’s health curriculum, which included some language on sex education that a few members of Ford’s donor base found a little spicy. There was no consultation, Ford said. We’re in the hands of ideologues, he said. There had in fact been consultation, of course. The actual changes to printed curriculum, and all the more so to the in-classroom behaviour of Ontario’s teachers, has since been pretty limited.
It does no good for Scheer to have Ford put into witness protection for the duration of the federal campaign if he is going to spend the campaign acting as Ford’s stunt double.”

Our leaders think we’re idiots, Chapter 4,329: Milk

Paul Wells: What Canadians would like to see from their leaders is not bulls in china shops, but grown-ups. On the Food Guide fight, they fail.


And then there is this.......

Full text: The dairy lobby briefing binder found on the floor of the Conservative convention

In a section that the Dairy Farmers have since said is ‘inaccurate’ Andrew Scheer is called a ‘safety net’ against the prospect of Tories voting against supply management

Conservative leader Andrew Scheer is dubbed the “Safety Net”
The most widely circulated excerpt from the binder is a section under the heading “Safety Net.” In it, the Dairy Farmers note that even if the Conservative Party membership turns against supply management, they have been assured by Scheer’s office that he will not put supply management in an electoral platform “regardless of the outcome at convention.” “Although not ideal, this does represent a safety net should our other tactics fail,” it writes. Dairy representatives are also told to win over Conservative delegates with the line “Andrew Scheer supports supply management.” A proposed Social Media Plan even includes a photo of Scheer drinking from a carton of milk against the slogan “love Canadian milk.” The photo is from the 2017 Press Gallery dinner, when Scheer used it to joke that “there’s some suggestion out there that I’m beholden to a certain group within the Conservative family.” Scheer’s office did not reply to National Post requests for comment by press time, but in earlier statements to the Globe and Mail a spokesman for the Conservative leader said “we never had a conversation about what they put in their briefing book.” That same story included a letter sent to Scheer’s office by the Dairy Farmers of Canada apologizing for the “inaccurate” information.

And now you know why Andrew Scheer has said the new food guide is wrong and he will change it.

Not for your benefit, not for the health of your children but for the lobbyists for the dairy farmers

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