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Friday, July 19, 2019

Stephen Harper: Undermining Canada for corporate gain - perhaps it is time for CSIS to investigate the CPC and Stephen Harper

"Former prime minister Stephen Harper condemned Canadians who promote Sikh separatism and predicted close ties with a controversial Indian government if the Conservatives win back power, underscoring in a recent speech the role south-Asian politics could play in the run-up to October’s election."

Harper condemns Sikh separatists, predicts close Modi-Scheer ties in pro-India speech

Harper's comments raised questions about whether his party is moving closer to New Delhi on an issue that has long roiled the Indo-Canadian community

And then there is this -

OTTAWA -- Some of the federal government's top bureaucrats have been warned that China and India might try to use their respective migrant communities in Canada to advance their own interests.
The stark warning is in a secret report prepared for deputy ministers attending a retreat on national security last year that also flagged the challenge in preventing foreign countries from launching "hostile actions" against Canada.

Officials warned China, India could use communities in Canada to advance agendas

Justin Trudeau's visit to India last April was the best thing that ever happened, to Andrew Scheer.

For the Cons with the help of our shabby Con media were able to mock Trudeau's traditional Indian garb, and claim that he had been shunned by the Indian government  for having invited a convicted Sikh extremist to a reception in New Delhi.

Trudeau's national security adviser, Daniel Jean, claimed it was a setup by the Indian government.

But the Cons and their bought media wouldn't believe him. Trudeau lost five points in the polls, and Scheer began to dream of becoming Prime Minister.

So now he's trying to recover some of that lost magic, by travelling to India himself.

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