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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Enough conservative bullshit and fact avoidance on Climate Change

For Canadians the lies and misinformation on climate change began with Stephen Harper and the CPC if you don't remember you weren't fucking listening.

Harper cancelled environmental programs and regulations to serve corporate interests. He made Rona Ambrose environmental minister, a rookie with zero knowledge on the issues the sent her to Kyoto for an international conference on global warming where she not only embarassed herself but Canada as well.

This is not meant as an attack on Ambrose but rather a reference to Stephen Harpers disinterest in a World crisis and his pandering to the one percent.

Now comes Andrew Scheer, a man groomed by Stephen Harper and the CPC as the next destroyer of environmental protections and the battle against climate change. His plan to cancel the carbon tax and replace the regulation with a made from corporate wish list.

In Ontario we are seeing the political "blame shifting" that is right out of the CPC/GOP playbook. Nothing is their fault "the liberals did it" but this approach to political platform has gotten old and the media is getting smarter even that media which is/was staunch conservative are starting to point out the hypocrisy of the populism movement. Bottom line, there is nothing progressive in the new PC/CPC parties they are nothing more than corporate patsies setting the country and Provinces back 50 years while selling out the working class.

Ford government blames Liberals for loss of 227 clean-energy projects

Green renovation rebates under Ontario’s cap-and-trade system cancelled

Ford government cancels electricity conservation programs

The above links are prime examples off the deceit and lies the conservatives spread in an attempt to convince the voter they are working for the people Stephen Harper did the exact same things on a National basis and rest assured Andrew Scheer is on the same path. We see it in Alberta, we see ith in Saskatchewan, we see it in Manitoba, we see it in Ontario, we see it in Quebec, we see it in New Brunswick and we see it in P. E. I. to a lesser degree only because they are a minority.

If we allow these corporate governments to get away with destroying the environment further you can kiss your children's and grandchildren's asses future goodbye.

There is a cost to inactivity

Yes I've said it before and I'll say it again until it sinks into that selfish uncaring mind of yours THERE IS A COST TO INACTIVITY.

Beyond the multiple billions of green backs spent in recovery and insurance losses there is the loss of life due to extreme weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding and drought around the World. But you don't give a fuck about those lives, you're not related to them, it's sad but so what.

That is the general attitude and the cause of hate for immigrants who are forced from their land as a result of drought like happened in Syria and resulted in civil war. We saw it decades ago with the Ethiopian crisis and we are seeing it in other unlikely places where crops are destroyed by flooding and drought and like it or not this pattern of destruction is the direct result of inactivity.

Ontario’s environmental laws are under attack by Premier Doug Ford: Why we need to come together to STOP BILL 66

Ontario to compensate White Pines wind turbine developers for cancelled contract

Fighting climate change may be cheaper and more beneficial than we think

This is an election year in Canada and if you truly care about the economy, the environment and the future of humanity remember there are three parties that think like you and only one that is a corporate (CPC) sponsored party that doesn't care about your future so vote but be sure to vote for the candidate most likely to beat the CPC candidate in your area even if that candidate is not with your preferred party.

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