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Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Don't be fooled by Elizabeth May she's a viper in green sheepskin
Warren Kinsella has publicly donated to Doug Ford this FY. Ford is an authoritarian populist leader, not only inspired, but directly connected to Preston Manning and the Political Realignment of Canada.
Elizabeth May hired Kinsella to help run her campaign.
Elizabeth May hired Kinsella to help run her campaign.
Kinsella is a decent narrative manipulator. I’ll give him that. But his allegiance lies much further right than May’s policy. What is he up to?
His motives are clear. He’s positioning May to siphon off enough votes from Liberals, to help deliver a CPC win.
His motives are clear. He’s positioning May to siphon off enough votes from Liberals, to help deliver a CPC win.
The worst part is, it seems May is a willingly participant. Are her single digit popularity & strong political aspirations motivating her complicity with this plan? What could have motivated May to join the Populist bandwagon to smear and malign Trudeau. As a favour to JWR?
Elizabeth May is Canada’s Bernie Sanders & Jill Stein.
We don’t have a photo of her dining with Putin, but we don’t need one to recognize her willingness.
Sanders is the independent Senator who ran in the Democratic Presidential candidacy race against Hillary Clinton.
We don’t have a photo of her dining with Putin, but we don’t need one to recognize her willingness.
Sanders is the independent Senator who ran in the Democratic Presidential candidacy race against Hillary Clinton.
Bernie’s populism gave people what they wanted to hear. Free college, universal health care, income equality, tax the rich at 90%, aggressively transition energy away from FF & toward renewable energy solutions.
Kumbaya, we will all live in peace & harmony. A utopian fantasy.
Kumbaya, we will all live in peace & harmony. A utopian fantasy.
Stein is the Socialist Presidential candidate who won 4-5% of Presidential votes, assisting Trump’s win.
Cons have very limited imagination, so while the approach has been adapted for Canadian politics, this is THE VERY SAME strategy used in US 2016 Presidential election.
Cons have very limited imagination, so while the approach has been adapted for Canadian politics, this is THE VERY SAME strategy used in US 2016 Presidential election.
May is being positioned to be the moral choice to Trudeau; the superior integrity foil to Trudeau & the SNC scandal.
Thus, all the effort to sell the idea that Greens do politics differently.
Thus, all the effort to sell the idea that Greens do politics differently.
Don't make the mistake America made
If Scheer’s elected in October, it will be another sign politics has taken a radical turn, and not for the best
As events south of the border have shown, the downside of negative partisanship is the short trip voters often take from the frying pan into the fire
You really can't trust her
Federal Green Party Leader Elizabeth May would work with any other party in a minority Parliament with a serious climate plan—and even thinks she could influence Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives to drop their crusade against carbon pricing “if it means the difference for them between governing or spending more time in opposition,” The Canadian Press is reporting today.
The news breaks just days after a major policy split emerged within the Greens, with party leaders in two provinces calling for a faster tar sands/oil sands shutdown than the federal party platform proposes.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Harper is still a danger to democracy
For a second straight year, former prime minister Stephen Harper spoke at a conference organized by the MEK, a controversial Iranian dissident group that his government once labelled a terrorist organization and has been described as a cult.
Harper, who has been a vocal critic of the Iranian regime during and after his time as prime minister, gave a speech at the Free Iran conference on July 13. This year’s gathering was held at the MEK’s newly-built headquarters located in rural Albania.
Stephen Harper speaks at conference held at ‘cult’ Iranian dissident group’s Albanian compound
Who's the budget breaker? Conservative are the budget breakers
Link Rempel spent $146,157.26 more than @JustinTrudeau
Lisa Raitt spent $131,714.85 more than JT
Pierre Poilievre spent $24,642.45 more than JT
Can anyone tell me how the Leader of the Opposition can manage to spend $136,016.17 MORE of our tax dollars than the Prime Minister, in the same period of time?
Can anyone tell me how the Leader of the Opposition can manage to spend $136,016.17 MORE of our tax dollars than the Prime Minister, in the same period of time?
The conservatives and other clandestine groups are sending bots
This is Jon, "Proud Canadian, Political Junkie".
Jon tweets nice things about @AndrewScheer 40+ times every day.
Jon's photo is actually an American lawyer named Domenic Luppino.
Jon is a bot.
Retweet this and tell Jon and Andrew to piss off.
#cdnpoli #ScheerDesperation
Monday, July 29, 2019
When you read this you will see similarities to Trump but more than that you will see similarities to the CPC an PC parties
Umberto Eco Makes a List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism
One of the key questions facing both journalists and loyal oppositions these days is how do we stay honest as euphemisms and trivializations take over the discourse? Can we use words like “fascism,” for example, with fidelity to the meaning of that word in world history? The term, after all, devolved decades after World War II into the trite expression fascist pig, writes Umberto Eco in his 1995 essay "Ur-Fascism," “used by American radicals thirty years later to refer to a cop who did not approve of their smoking habits." In the forties, on the other hand, the fight against fascism was a "moral duty for every good American." (And every good Englishman and French partisan, he might have added.)
Eco grew up under Mussolini’s fascist regime, which “was certainly a dictatorship, but it was not totally totalitarian, not because of its mildness but rather because of the philosophical weakness of its ideology. Contrary to common opinion, fascism in Italy had no special philosophy.” It did, however, have style, “a way of dressing—far more influential, with its black shirts, than Armani, Benetton, or Versace would ever be.” The dark humor of the comment indicates a critical consensus about fascism. As a form of extreme nationalism, it ultimately takes on the contours of whatever national culture produces it.
Beware of the CPC and the Russian bots
Moscow Proud? The Conservative Party is apparently now tweeting in Russian on the same hashtags proliferated by exposed anti-Trudeau bots.
To say the least, Canadians expect our parties to take disinformation and online manipulation a lot more seriously. #cdnpoli
Peel Paramedic Union reports on Twitter this last Tuesday
“What we know is being cut so far:
-Driver training
-Advanced care paramedic training
-IV certification
...and there’s still $5 million more that needs to be cut”
-Advanced care paramedic training
-IV certification
...and there’s still $5 million more that needs to be cut”
Could Ford be taking aim at vital services just because he hates unions - as do all Cons. Wouldn’t surprise me. This is a marathon step backwards.
People will die (hope it’s not one of mine or yours).
The system will fail.
Private companies can take contracts.
Rural coverage will suffer.
But money will be made.
And union wages won't need to be paid.
As we race to the bottom.
The rich get Ford.
And we get fu*ked.
The system will fail.
Private companies can take contracts.
Rural coverage will suffer.
But money will be made.
And union wages won't need to be paid.
As we race to the bottom.
The rich get Ford.
And we get fu*ked.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Moon Landing and the Maple Leaf: Canada's Contribution to Apollo 11
In case you missed it. My cousin Mike is the host
Admitted Nazi's and White Supremacists have signed up to run for the GOP
Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans Link the country. The GOP is terrified.
The racist candidates are expected to lose, but they could drag their party down with them.
Friday, July 26, 2019
More bull from Scheer
“Complete lack of consultation,” Scheer said. The food guide should “reflect what we know, what the science tells us.
Could this be true? Seven seconds of Googling tells us that, indeed, it is not. Over here at, we see the results of Health Canada’s consultations on the food guide. In Phase I of the consultation, nearly 20,000 people and organizations made submissions, including 265 organizations representing the food industry.
In Phase 2, more than 6,000 submissions were received, including 98 from the food and beverage industry. Most submissions agreed with promoting water consumption, noted that milk is a “healthy” alternative, and indeed emphasized that for the youngest children, there’s no need to discourage fatty homogenized milk.
Every element of Scheer’s shtick in front of the dairy farmers was lifted from Doug Ford’s behaviour last year in regard to Ontario’s health curriculum, which included some language on sex education that a few members of Ford’s donor base found a little spicy. There was no consultation, Ford said. We’re in the hands of ideologues, he said. There had in fact been consultation, of course. The actual changes to printed curriculum, and all the more so to the in-classroom behaviour of Ontario’s teachers, has since been pretty limited.
It does no good for Scheer to have Ford put into witness protection for the duration of the federal campaign if he is going to spend the campaign acting as Ford’s stunt double.”
Our leaders think we’re idiots, Chapter 4,329: Milk
Paul Wells: What Canadians would like to see from their leaders is not bulls in china shops, but grown-ups. On the Food Guide fight, they fail.
And then there is this.......
And then there is this.......
Full text: The dairy lobby briefing binder found on the floor of the Conservative convention
In a section that the Dairy Farmers have since said is ‘inaccurate’ Andrew Scheer is called a ‘safety net’ against the prospect of Tories voting against supply management
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer is dubbed the “Safety Net”
The most widely circulated excerpt from the binder is a section under the heading “Safety Net.” In it, the Dairy Farmers note that even if the Conservative Party membership turns against supply management, they have been assured by Scheer’s office that he will not put supply management in an electoral platform “regardless of the outcome at convention.” “Although not ideal, this does represent a safety net should our other tactics fail,” it writes. Dairy representatives are also told to win over Conservative delegates with the line “Andrew Scheer supports supply management.” A proposed Social Media Plan even includes a photo of Scheer drinking from a carton of milk against the slogan “love Canadian milk.” The photo is from the 2017 Press Gallery dinner, when Scheer used it to joke that “there’s some suggestion out there that I’m beholden to a certain group within the Conservative family.” Scheer’s office did not reply to National Post requests for comment by press time, but in earlier statements to the Globe and Mail a spokesman for the Conservative leader said “we never had a conversation about what they put in their briefing book.” That same story included a letter sent to Scheer’s office by the Dairy Farmers of Canada apologizing for the “inaccurate” information.
The most widely circulated excerpt from the binder is a section under the heading “Safety Net.” In it, the Dairy Farmers note that even if the Conservative Party membership turns against supply management, they have been assured by Scheer’s office that he will not put supply management in an electoral platform “regardless of the outcome at convention.” “Although not ideal, this does represent a safety net should our other tactics fail,” it writes. Dairy representatives are also told to win over Conservative delegates with the line “Andrew Scheer supports supply management.” A proposed Social Media Plan even includes a photo of Scheer drinking from a carton of milk against the slogan “love Canadian milk.” The photo is from the 2017 Press Gallery dinner, when Scheer used it to joke that “there’s some suggestion out there that I’m beholden to a certain group within the Conservative family.” Scheer’s office did not reply to National Post requests for comment by press time, but in earlier statements to the Globe and Mail a spokesman for the Conservative leader said “we never had a conversation about what they put in their briefing book.” That same story included a letter sent to Scheer’s office by the Dairy Farmers of Canada apologizing for the “inaccurate” information.
And now you know why Andrew Scheer has said the new food guide is wrong and he will change it.
Not for your benefit, not for the health of your children but for the lobbyists for the dairy farmers
It is so typical of conservatives at all levels to introduce change without forethought and planning then say it will evolve over time. We saw it with Harper now Ford and Kenney, we cannot afford to have it compounded by Scheer.
How Ontario’s new regional health teams will operate is anyone’s guess in ‘low-rules environment’
No one is sure how they will be governed or funded, or how they will function. But they will be the way forward for health care in the province.
The only sure thing about the local teams expected to eventually take over the delivery of health care in Ontario is that no one is sure.
No one is sure how the new Ontario Health Teams (OHT) will be governed. Or funded. Or how they will function.
Even those creating the groups in Hamilton, Burlington and Niagara don't know how they will share scarce provincial dollars, be accountable or what kind of voice the communities they serve will have.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Better get ready to hide Jason Kenney because they'll be coming for you
Alberta bitumen will likely be a big loser, because it contains on average some 11 times more sulphur than conventional crude, and results in a high ratio of low-grade Bunker C when refined. As of 2020, according to industry reports, U.S. refinery purchases of diluted bitumen for ship fuel will begin slowing to an eventual trickle, Europe will buy none because it has the wrong refinery profile, and Asian refiners will dedicate new refineries to produce low-sulphur diesel for ship fuel.
The law of unintended consequences may soon cause serious collateral damage to Alberta’s tar sands/oil sands ambitions, and the planned Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines.
The United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently approved new, much stiffer fuel standardsfor the 50,000 ocean-going vessels which currently burn low-grade, high-sulphur oil. Known as Bunker C, it is cheap and dirty. An estimated four million barrels per day are burned in all manner of merchant ships, including oil tankers. The related greenhouse gas emissions roughly equal those from all sources in Germany.
Oil going the way of the beaver
If Alberta Premier Jason Kenney had been running the fur trade, Stanford mocked, he would not have said, "Maybe we should learn to produce other stuff!"
When the market for beaver pelts, used to make felt hats, began to wane, he probably wouldn't even have said, "'Maybe we should try to get as much value for our beavers as we can while the demand is still there,' instead of just trying to flood the world market, to respond to a downturn in demand by selling even more. Not very thoughtful!"
"And it will occur to our staples today," Stanford averred. "No matter how much we stand up and tilt at windmills, no matter how much we point fingers at environmentalists and others, the reality is the world is going to stop using oil."
"If we get ahead of the process -- and there are, believe it or not, places in the world that do produce oil that are thinking down the road -- then we can position ourselves for maximum benefit," he said. "If we just deny that it's happening, stick our heads in the sand and point fingers, we will absolutely be left behind."
"And this," Stanford concluded, "is the fundamental flaw, the enormous weakness, in Jason Kenney's vision."
You can call this the Lesson of the Beaver -- Stanford does -- and you can bank on it.
Canada's fossil fuel industry may soon face the fate of the beaver
Andrew Scheer Wants To Reduce CPP (Canada Pension Plan) & Force People T...
If you remember Jim Flaherty and Stephen Harper tried to pull this same bullshit on Canadians during the dark years. The fact is the majority of Canadians are over stressed financially and are not in the position to set money aside for 30 or 40 years while raising a family, paying rent or mortgage, paying transportation and all the other household expenses that go with trying to get by.
The dazzling duo of Harper/Flaherty insisted that raising corporate CPP rates were bad for growth, corporations and small businesses couldn't afford it. It is always about what the corporations can or cannot do.... more bullshit....
When a company has rising material cost that cost is built in to the selling price.... it is us that pays for it NOT the company.
If the company portion of CPP rises the same thing happens... it gets built in to the selling price and you and I pay for it... oh yes... and then they make a higher profit margin because that rise in CPP is built in before profit margin is added.
I have no idea where these convenience stores are.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Circle K, which is part of Couch Tarde, start selling beer and wine.
Just what Ontario needs beer and wine a gas stations that are open 24/7.
Doug Ford is certainly one dumb phuck in my opinion
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Andrew Scheer's good friend
Canada's failed populist: A cautionary tale
The downfall of Ontario's provincial premier, Doug Ford, is a prime example of what happens when populism takes power.
With apologies to the Roman poet, Virgil, his cautionary proverb - as befits the times - requires updating: Beware populists bearing gifts.
In the Canadian political context, the "populist" who offered up a Trojan Horse filled with seemingly appetising, but simple-minded promises to hoodwink the gullible, is Ontario provincial premier, Doug Ford.
More than a year ago, the decal salesman and former city councillor, rode a tsunami of voter disaffection with a spent, cavalier and corruption-prone Liberal administration to an impressive victory on June 7, 2018.
Ford's mantra at the time - "For the People" - fit neatly, of course, on a bumper sticker. Its proletarian meaning was intended, I suppose, to reflect Ford's antipathy towards the "elite vested interests" and his sympathy for the forgotten, hardworking everyman and everywoman.
That Ford was a multimillionaire didn't quite fit the "I'm with the little guy and gal" narrative. So, with a thin, perpetual smile fixed on his face, Ford promised to deliver a buck-a-beer and the usual, recycled bromides idea-free libertarians consider the equivalent of "governing".
Why would Andrew Scheer ask Ford to hide for 5 months?
Better yet, why would Doug Ford comply?
Because they are brothers politically. Ford and the Ontario PC Party are a byproduct of the CPC which was formed in part through the creation of the Reform Party and the Alliance Party. The Tory Party of yesteryear was sold out by Peter MacKay.
The CPC a.k.a. Reform Alliance Tory's (RAT's) took office under Stephen Harper in 2006. It soon became apparent that the CPC was nothing like the old PC but rather like a blend of the GOP/Tea Party. Both are now referred to as the "populist movement" a movement made in the boardrooms around the World where populists no longer represent the people but rather the corporate world.
Doug Fords rise to leader of the PC was seen as a bounce for Andrew Scheer and the CPC. The Ontario Liberals had faced a lot of controversy, some real some fake, and voters were filled with misinformation. Ford won the election with the help of FordNation and Ontario Proud a corporate sponsored private interest group. Immediately upon taking office the changes began, cuts were made and budgets to the less fortunate were not just reduced but eliminated entirely. Many of the changes were not campaign promises but rather dropped on the voter out of the blue.
Populism had raised its ugly head. It isn't about campaign promises it is about what is not promised that voters have realized is the true motivating factor behind the populist movement.
Misdirection, suppression of information and faux appointments quickly followed. While education and health services assistance was cut so were taxes to the corporate sector which resulted in an increase in deficit.
Doug Ford's attack on the working class caused much anger and Scheers support was frowned upon in Ontario.
Bottom line - Doug Ford exposed the populist movement and it's Canadian creators, the CPC, for what they are and it is ugly.
Because they are brothers politically. Ford and the Ontario PC Party are a byproduct of the CPC which was formed in part through the creation of the Reform Party and the Alliance Party. The Tory Party of yesteryear was sold out by Peter MacKay.
The CPC a.k.a. Reform Alliance Tory's (RAT's) took office under Stephen Harper in 2006. It soon became apparent that the CPC was nothing like the old PC but rather like a blend of the GOP/Tea Party. Both are now referred to as the "populist movement" a movement made in the boardrooms around the World where populists no longer represent the people but rather the corporate world.
Doug Fords rise to leader of the PC was seen as a bounce for Andrew Scheer and the CPC. The Ontario Liberals had faced a lot of controversy, some real some fake, and voters were filled with misinformation. Ford won the election with the help of FordNation and Ontario Proud a corporate sponsored private interest group. Immediately upon taking office the changes began, cuts were made and budgets to the less fortunate were not just reduced but eliminated entirely. Many of the changes were not campaign promises but rather dropped on the voter out of the blue.
Populism had raised its ugly head. It isn't about campaign promises it is about what is not promised that voters have realized is the true motivating factor behind the populist movement.
Misdirection, suppression of information and faux appointments quickly followed. While education and health services assistance was cut so were taxes to the corporate sector which resulted in an increase in deficit.
Doug Ford's attack on the working class caused much anger and Scheers support was frowned upon in Ontario.
Bottom line - Doug Ford exposed the populist movement and it's Canadian creators, the CPC, for what they are and it is ugly.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monday, July 22, 2019
Racism in Canada: As the World is shocked by Donald Trump.....
Andrew Scheer has a problem
The Conservative leader has left himself open to charges of intolerance in his party. It could be the biggest, ugliest issue in the coming election.
A Not-So-Brief History of Racism From Andrew Scheer’s Conservative Party
The Conservatives under Scheer have a history of embracing racism to further their political agenda.
Tory MP links Cpl. Nathan Cirillo's killing with Easter ham fundraiser
Cheryl Gallant criticized for mixing issue of extremism with refugees and immigration
Social Sharing
Sunday, July 21, 2019
There is more to do than just carbon taxes
"'All the noisy, divisive attention lavished on carbon taxes drives Mark Jaccard up the wall. It’s not that the Simon Fraser University professor doesn’t think they can work. Jaccard, 63, even helped design British Columbia’s widely praised carbon tax, brought in by then-premier Gordon Campbell in 2008. It’s often held up internationally as proof carbon taxes can cut emissions without crimping economic growth.
"But Jaccard emphasizes that Campbell’s far less celebrated regulations on generating electricity delivered three times the emissions cuts of his carbon tax. And that former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty’s phase-out of coal generation delivered Canada’s biggest cuts to date. And that California is leading the way with regulations that require more zero-emissions vehicles and more renewable power."
The climate crisis: These are Canada’s worst-case scenarios
What will it take for popular opinion to catch up with the terrifying science? We talk to Canada’s top climate change experts.
Both the Gripon and Typhoon are viable alternatives to the F-35
Per Alriksson of Saab Aeronautics said the Gripen is designed specifically for operations in the Arctic, giving it a leg up on other planes. “Sweden has air force bases in what you call the far North,” he added. “We operate there daily. (The Gripen) has Arctic DNA built into it.”
In pursuit of $19B contract, Sweden's Saab offers to build fleet of fighter jets in Canada
Saab's offer further ups the ante on the competition that will see the federal government purchase 88 new aircraft
A Swedish aerospace firm that hopes to supply Canada’s new fleet of fighter jets says it could build the aircraft in this country, making maximum use of the expertise of domestic firms and creating high-tech jobs.
Saab’s pitch to build its Gripen E fighter jet in Canada further ups the ante on the $19-billion competition that will see the federal government purchase 88 new aircraft.
The Liberal government has been emphasizing the transfer of new technology and expertise to Canadian aerospace firms as well as the creation of high-tech jobs as among its key goals for the fighter jet program.
Another European firm, Airbus, has hinted it could also build its Typhoon fighters in Canada, but Saab said if the federal government wants the planes built on a domestic production line its commitment is solid.
For the Canadian program, Saab is hoping to follow the same process that helped it win a recent fighter jet competition in Brazil. The first batch of Gripen E fighter jets are being built in Sweden but the technology is then being transferred to Brazilian firms so they can assemble the remaining aircraft.
In 1959, police were called to a segregated library when a 9yr-old Ronald Mcnair refused to leave. He later got a PhD in Physics from MIT, and died in 1986, one of the astronauts aboard the space shuttle Challenger. The library that refused to lend him books is now named after him.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
As long as Andrew Scheer and the CPC find these groups useful to advance their cause they will grow bolder
Here's What Canada Can Learn From Hamilton, Ont.'s Far-Right Problem
When fascists believe a city and its police are on their side, they feel emboldened to act more aggressively.
Hamilton, Ont. has become fertile ground for right-wing extremists, and city leaders have so far demonstrated themselves to be profoundly ill-equipped to respond effectively. A cascade of policy failures and glaring missteps have exposed a rift between the city and its most vulnerable constituents.
The dynamics playing out here are symptomatic of a broader movement across Canada insinuating itself into politics at every level. We cannot afford to ignore the danger of fascist movements, and recent events in Hamilton offer a poignant case study for all Canadian cities in how not to respond to the growing threat.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Stephen Harper: Undermining Canada for corporate gain - perhaps it is time for CSIS to investigate the CPC and Stephen Harper
"Former prime minister Stephen Harper condemned Canadians who promote Sikh separatism and predicted close ties with a controversial Indian government if the Conservatives win back power, underscoring in a recent speech the role south-Asian politics could play in the run-up to October’s election."
Harper condemns Sikh separatists, predicts close Modi-Scheer ties in pro-India speech
Harper's comments raised questions about whether his party is moving closer to New Delhi on an issue that has long roiled the Indo-Canadian community
And then there is this -
OTTAWA -- Some of the federal government's top bureaucrats have been warned that China and India might try to use their respective migrant communities in Canada to advance their own interests.
The stark warning is in a secret report prepared for deputy ministers attending a retreat on national security last year that also flagged the challenge in preventing foreign countries from launching "hostile actions" against Canada.
Officials warned China, India could use communities in Canada to advance agendas
Lest we forget
Lest we forget
Andrew Scheer's Farcical and Humiliating Visit To India
Justin Trudeau's visit to India last April was the best thing that ever happened, to Andrew Scheer.
For the Cons with the help of our shabby Con media were able to mock Trudeau's traditional Indian garb, and claim that he had been shunned by the Indian government for having invited a convicted Sikh extremist to a reception in New Delhi.
Trudeau's national security adviser, Daniel Jean, claimed it was a setup by the Indian government.
But the Cons and their bought media wouldn't believe him. Trudeau lost five points in the polls, and Scheer began to dream of becoming Prime Minister.
So now he's trying to recover some of that lost magic, by travelling to India himself.
For the Cons with the help of our shabby Con media were able to mock Trudeau's traditional Indian garb, and claim that he had been shunned by the Indian government for having invited a convicted Sikh extremist to a reception in New Delhi.
Trudeau's national security adviser, Daniel Jean, claimed it was a setup by the Indian government.
But the Cons and their bought media wouldn't believe him. Trudeau lost five points in the polls, and Scheer began to dream of becoming Prime Minister.
So now he's trying to recover some of that lost magic, by travelling to India himself.
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