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Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Dave Factor

Why You Can't Argue With Conservatives.

Trying to talk about taxes with a conservative is like trying to talk about homosexuality with a devout Christian.  They will point to all kinds of ideological "evidence" that shows how it's wrong, but the actual real life facts don't bear them out.  A Christian will say "homosexuality destroys families", so point out the hundreds of short and long-term psychological studies on homosexual parents and their children that show exactly the opposite and what's the response?  "Well, the bible says it's a sin, so it's wrong."  Door shut and locked, further argument is pointless.  Likewise, a conservative will say "higher taxes kills jobs and the economy", so you point out how, throughout history, the periods of the most job growth and business investment have all been at the times when the marginal tax rate was significantly higher than it is now.  What's the response?  "Well, higher taxes are still wrong!"  Door shut and locked, further argument is pointless.

That, in a nutshell, is the problem with arguing with conservatives.  They don't care about facts, they have feelings.  They don't care about data, they have slogans.  They don't care about numbers, they make them up all the time!

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