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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney are a bad joke

I have said it before and I'll say it again and again. Stephen Harper and his Harp Seals are NOT proactive they are reactive.

They live and work in a fantasy world where reality is a dirty word and fabricating programs, budgets and lies are the way to run Canada. When the shit hits the fan and Canadians start calling them phuk ups, which seems to be the norm nowadays, they change pace or blame others.

Their incompetence is wearing thin and their lies are unacceptable.....


Kenney, Harper not fit to run a burger joint: Mallick

Canada’s Temporary Foreign Workers program is an emblem of the Conservative government’s disdain for citizens

I used to think of Canada as a massive pleated range of stoicism/decency/intelligence. Once we were mountains. Now I see us sliding into dunes.
From whence comes the sensation of national defeat? Once again, it’s Harper favourite Jason Kenney, in charge of the Temporary Foreign Workers program that he was just forced to put on hold after an outcry over foreigners hired to replace Canadian waiters in a Saskatchewan burger joint.
McDonald’s Canada is just one of the fast food companies that is furious about the fuss over imported hires. The CBC obtained a tape of its CEO’s reaction in a conference call to franchisees this week. “This has been an attack on our brand,” said John Betts. “This has been an attack on our system. This is an attack on our people. It’s bull---- OK! I used those words when I described my conversation with the minister [Kenney] last week. He gets it.”
Betts says he was “incredibly impressed” with the minister, adding, “He really knows his stuff. And I’ll say he knows his stuff from a business person’s perspective.” But not from an employed Canadian voter’s perspective, and there’s the heart of the matter. At no point, the CBC reported, did Betts suggest solving the problem by hiring locals.

If Betts is so impressed with Jason Kenney why does he not make him an offer he can't refuse...... likely because he can hire a foreign executive, treat them like a slave, make them work 20 hour days at half the price of Kenney and then once his Temporary Foreign Executive is worn out and served his purpose he could discard the TFE like a piece of garbage.

That being said I believe there is a need for TFW "but" and that my friends is a big but ... and where the conservatives refuse to go..... the program would have to be managed .... that takes federal employees and with the conservatives slash and gut policies they don't have the bodies to run their programs properly....

Of course Jason Kenney could hire Temporary foreign Workers to manage his Temporary Foreign Worker program

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