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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It must be nice to be a greedy bastard of a conservative

Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty constantly told Canadians that they have to do more, save more toward their old age. What they fail to tell Canadians is that the reasons they have fallen behind in their savings is the time and money that the general population wastes on raising their children.

Yes Canada, if you can't afford to raise your children, put food on the table, clothing on your back and buy a home while helping those bundles of money sucking ungrateful offspring get an education then you do not deserve that pension you have paid into for 3, 4 or 5 decades.

And it is only going to get worse under this group of mindless and heartless incompetent conservatives.

As tax cuts and service cuts mount Canadians will have to reach into their pockets and fork out outrages amounts of money to "for profit" businesses such as hospitals and educational institutes as those all important tax dollars you pay are dramatically reduced and the government "NOT for profit" services are eliminated.

OAS eligibility changes to 67 but Harper still gets his ‘retirement allowance’ at 65

"In last week's budget, the Harper government delayed the age of eligibility for Old Age Security recipients to 67.

 It appears, however, our prime minister is not willing to do the same for his retirement benefits - at least not yet.

 All Canadian prime ministers who served at least four years in office are given a $100,000/year allowance beginning at the age of 65. That's $100,000 in additi...on to their already gold-plated pensions.

 On Tuesday, the Liberals tried to introduce a sub-amendment to the federal budget which would have raised the eligibility age of the prime minister's allowance to 67.
It was defeated by the Conservative majority."

If you thought it was hard to live up to Stephen Harpers standards over the past 8 years then just imagine what it will be like for your children and grandchildren in Harper's Canada.


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