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Monday, August 19, 2019

The dangers of electing Andrew Scheer

The Calgary Oil and Gas Execs Backing Scheer Might Surprise You

Their smallish firms have plummeted in value, even as they rake in big

\The oil and gas executives quietly working to get Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer elected prime minister this fall aren’t who you might expect.

They’re not associated with big multinational companies like Shell, BP and Exxon, many of which are leaving the Alberta oilsands because they see expensive, high-carbon oil as a financial risk. Nor do these executives lead big Canadian producers such as Suncor and Syncrude, whose innovations largely built the industry.

Instead, the businesspeople who this spring organized a secret election strategy meeting for Scheer — and another fundraising event in June — earn big salaries running oil and gas companies most Canadians outside Calgary have never heard of.

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