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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

More opinion from Alfred Apps LLP

Alfred Apps

3 hrs ·
Think about it. Just for a moment. Our PM has not had a crew of former staff charged with criminal offences including money-laundering, tax evasion and unlawfully acting as a foreign agent. The Trudeau Foundation has not been shut down or charged for acting illegally and breaching its charitable obligations. He has not had reams of evidence publicly disclosed as to his activities in pursuit of obstruction of justice. He has not had to buy-off multiple women with whom he has had an affair. He is not suspected of tax fraud/evasion and money-laundering himself. He does not stand accused of accepting the assistance and support of an enemy power. He is not under investigation for improperly spending money on his victory (inauguration) celebration. He does not stand accused by a dozen women of improper sexual conduct. He is not subject to litigation for abusing his position for personal profit (ie emoluments). His sin is that he stands accused of preferring a “private interest” when all of the evidence is that he was aggressively pursuing the public interest of tens of thousands of innocent Canadians and, as the legal scholarship which will now inevitably follow will almost certainly show, did so entirely properly and in accordance with the law. Yet, this is elevated to the degree of scandal!!! What planet are we living on? As a lawyer and a Canadian, I am incredulous!! In the name of justice and decency, we need to stand back, take a deep. breath and infuse some objectivity, expertise and reality into this unfounded and misguided attack on his integrity and character. THIS IS JUST UNJUST AND WRONG!!

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