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Friday, August 23, 2019

Just saying - What's your spin Andrew Scheer

Harper’s former Parliamentary Secretary, Dean Del Mastro, found guilty of election fraud;
• Government found guilty of election fraud 5 times in 8 years;
• The only party in Canadian history to be found in contempt of Parliament (endorsed by a Conservative Speaker of the House;
• Spent $611 million on Partisan advertising, another $7.5 just for radio ads
• Spent $7 million in partisan anti-drug ads in just 3 months
• Spent $700,000 fighting Canada’s veterans in court
• Spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars developing partisan legislation that stood no chance of withstanding a Constitutional challenge...and when all were overturned by the Supreme Court, began undermining the credibility of the Court, and its Chief Justice;
• Deception around Nigel Wright repaying the $90,000 Conservative Senator Mike Duffy defrauded from taxpayers, closing off investigation and refusing to give details….with RCMP finding all trails lead back to Stephen Harper’s office;
• undemocratic ‘Fair Elections Act’ removing ability of Elections Canada to do its job;
• Auditor General reported $3.1 billion in anti-terror funding missing; using taxpayer dollars to fund partisan personal attack ads;
• Spent $750 million taxpayer dollars in partisan advertising;
• found guilty on three separate occasions of election fraud and campaign financing violations;
• Allowed XL Foods meat processing plant to continue to process and distribute tainted meat for 3 weeks after U.S. stopped importing for the same reason;
• Over spent those cabinet-approved ad budgets by $128-million — more than 37 per cent…..all the while cutting funding to important government programs;
• Shut down Committee investigating F-35 purchase scandal;
• Conservative campaign staff proven to be behind Guelph Robocalls;
• Lied to Parliament and the Canadian public about the true cost of the F-35's,
• Auditor General proves fraud and incompetence in Government's F-35 purchase,
• Muzzled federal scientists and public servants and Increased the size of the federal public service by 32,000 employees; increased government spending by 30% to a record $276 billion,
• $150 billion in the red. The largest deficit in Canadian history,
• Industry Minister Christian Paradis stays in Cabinet after being found in violation of the Conflict of Interest Act;
• First Government in Canadian History to be found in Contempt of Parliament,
• Took $38.2 billion Liberal Surplus, and ran it into 53 Billion Dollar Deficit,
• screwed up G8 and G20 Meetings,
• Veterans Affairs Minister Fantino criticized for spending $4 million on advertising programs for veterans rather than investing the money in services;
• $1.3 billion in unspent funding for Veterans returned to Treasury to help balance budget after Veterans Services cutbacks; and
• Slashed funding to the federal immunization program by 23% since 2006.

And yes Andrew you were not only an MP but you were speaker of the house you sleeze.

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