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Saturday, August 31, 2019
Return of the streetcar? CAQ ponders an old transit solution
In 1892, Montreal's first electric streetcar, nicknamed the Rocket, barrelled down what is now St-Antoine Street at the blistering pace – back then – of 30 kilometres per hour.
-CALLER: Is this Gordon's PizzaGOOGLE: Noir, sir it's Google Pizza.CALLER:I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry.GOOGLE:No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month.CALLER:OK. I would like to order a pizza.GOOGLE:Do you want your usual, sir?CALLER:My usual? You know me?GOOGLE:According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you calledyou ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage,pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.CALLER:OK! That’s what I want ...GOOGLE:May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula,sun -dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thincrust?CALLER:What? I detest vegetable!.GOOGLE:Your cholesterol is not good, sir.CALLER:How the hell do you know!GOOGLE:Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medicalrecords. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.CALLER:Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetable pizza! I already takemedication for my cholesterol.GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medicationregularly. According to our database, you only purchased a box of 30cholesterol tablets once, at Drug RX Network, 4 months ago.CALLER:I bought more from another drugstore.GOOGLE:That doesn’t show on your credit card statement.CALLER:I paid in cash.GOOGLE:But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.CALLER:I have other sources of cash.GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your last tax return unless you boughtthem using an undeclared income source, which is against the law.CALLER:WHAT THE HELL!!!GOOGLE:I'm sorry, sir, we use such information only with the sole intentionof helping you.CALLER:Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter,WhatsApp and all the others. I'm going to an island without internet,cable TV, where there is no cell phone service and no one to watch meor spy on me.GOOGLE:I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. Itexpired 6 weeks ago...
Thanks Ralph
Friday, August 30, 2019
A blatant violation of ethics by the AG - Jody Wilson Raybould Site C violates First Nations rights
"Outrage Fatigue": Have the Tories worn Canadian down to the point we don't care anymore?
This is what you can expect from the Conservative's governments of today..
Whatever the Tories may claim, it is clear that parliament is sovereign and MPs must be allowed a say on plans for a ‘crash-out’ Brexit
One of the gravest dangers to any society is “outrage fatigue”. The symptom of this condition is when so many people have been so angry for so long that terrible abuses of power now seem almost normal. Over a decade since the financial crash, after nine years of crippling public spending and tax cuts, and three years on from the bitterly fought EU referendum, poor leadership leaves our country in a state of polarised peril. This is frightening for people all over the United Kingdom, but it poses the biggest threat to the most vulnerable – and now to democracy itself.
The cat is out of the bag – Boris Johnson’s shutdown is unconstitutional
More great news on the revival of my great grandfather's 1890's invention
Green Mining Investment Coming to North Eastern Ontario
From: Natural Resources Canada
News release
August 28, 2019 Ottawa, Ontario Natural Resources Canada
The Canadian mines and minerals industry is important to our economy and to communities across the country. Developing Canada’s natural resources in cleaner, more sustainable ways will create good, middle-class jobs, increase competitiveness and reduce pollution as we move toward a clean energy future.
Paul Lefebvre, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, today announced an investment of $2.1 million for a green mining project aimed at developing an alternative to the mechanical compressors currently used in underground mining, one that is expected to reduce energy consumption and costs for compressed air by almost 40 percent. The alternative compressors will be deployed at Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd.’s Holloway Mine.
Kirkland Lake Gold will use Sudbury-based Electrale Innovation Ltd’s hydraulic air compressor (HAC) technology, which relies on water and gravity to compress air. The cooler, drier, oil-free compressed air will also improve equipment maintenance and reliability at Kirkland Lake Gold’s Holloway Mine.
Funded through Natural Resources Canada’s Clean Growth Program, this project is harnessing the HAC technology to bring it to commercial scale in an operational underground mine and to build a new industry standard for compression in applications beyond underground mining.
The Clean Growth Program is a $155-million investment fund that helps emerging clean technologies further reduce their impacts on air, land and water while enhancing competitiveness and creating jobs.
Canada’s climate plan includes measures to protect the environment and leave a healthier planet for future generations, including actions to protect our oceans, phase out coal-fired electricity, invest in renewables and public transit and reduce plastic pollution. Green mining technologies are a key part of Canada’s plan to combat climate change while growing the economy.
“The Government of Canada continues to invest in projects that are positioning Canada’s mining industry to lead the clean energy future. Through strong government partnerships and a commitment to innovation, we are building the sustainable and competitive mining industry of tomorrow.”- Paul LefebvreParliamentary Secretary to Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources
“Kirkland Lake Gold is delighted to be working with NRCan and the project partners on this hydraulic air compressor deployment. By reducing energy consumption without negatively impacting costs and performance, Electrale’s hydraulic air compressor is a perfect fit with our sustainable mining objectives, and we are proud to take a leading role in the commercial deployment of this technology.”- Alasdair Federico
Executive Vice President of Kirkland Lake Gold
Associated links
- Energy Efficient Compressed Air Production for an Underground Mine
- Canada’s green future
- Canada’s energy future
- Electrale Innovation Limited
Thursday, August 29, 2019
New book asseses Trudeau
In short, the experts found that by March of this year Trudeau’s government had entirely followed through on about 50 per cent of its pledges, partially delivered on about 40 per cent and had broken roughly 10 per cent.
The authors say the book — which also features a deep plunge into the weeds of about a dozen key policy areas — will not only interest wonks, like scholars and journalists, but can serve as a primer for all voters ahead of October’s election.
“In an era of ‘fake news,’ negative advertising campaigns and conventional and social media overload, voters face a daunting challenge in providing a neutral and objective assessment of the past four years under the Liberal government,” they write in the book, published by les Presses de l’Universite Laval.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Andrew Scheer and the CPC believe voters are so gullible they will believe his BULLSHIT
In Andrew Scheer's own words: "My plan for Canadians? Lower the cost of living, and leave more money in your pockets."
When I first hear those words I thought it was satire but HELL NO, he is serious. The dude thinks he's a miracle worker.
Listen carefully to his words "Lower the cost of living" a problem created by the banking industry, corporations and shareholders, yes voters Andrew Scheer wants you to believe he can "turn back time". I expected to hear Cher's hit song "If I could turn back time" playing in the background.
Yes my fellow Canadians this Trump/Ford/Kenney wanna be believes we are that naive.
I can safely say that Andrew Scheer, like Trump/Ford/Kenney will play the takeaway game. Canada has nothing to gain and everything to lose with the CPC.
This is their unspoken plan, the one they won't tell you about until it is too late, we saw it in Ontario and we are seeing it in Alberta and New Brunswick.
These are not politicians of the people, for the people they are corporate shills. Never in history have we seen privatization lower the cost of living, we have however seen it create hardship and poverty while the rich get richer.
For the record, today's Canadian economy has never been better while the present government has struggled at times it HAS NOT FAILED the voters. Their record of accomplishments are the highest in 35 years...
Michael denTandt on twitter -
Classic NP head - what I used to call the scorpion tail. Take a news story that casts PM Trudeau in a positive light, and scuff it up at the top. This one contains the fact that this PM has followed through on 92% of pledges, in whole or in part - most of any govt in 35 yrs.
It is imperative that all Canadians get out and vote, it is also important that whatever we do we must make sure the CPC does not get a majority or like America we are doomed to be subservient to rich and the corporate interests.
When I first hear those words I thought it was satire but HELL NO, he is serious. The dude thinks he's a miracle worker.
Listen carefully to his words "Lower the cost of living" a problem created by the banking industry, corporations and shareholders, yes voters Andrew Scheer wants you to believe he can "turn back time". I expected to hear Cher's hit song "If I could turn back time" playing in the background.
Yes my fellow Canadians this Trump/Ford/Kenney wanna be believes we are that naive.
I can safely say that Andrew Scheer, like Trump/Ford/Kenney will play the takeaway game. Canada has nothing to gain and everything to lose with the CPC.

For the record, today's Canadian economy has never been better while the present government has struggled at times it HAS NOT FAILED the voters. Their record of accomplishments are the highest in 35 years...
Michael denTandt on twitter -
Classic NP head - what I used to call the scorpion tail. Take a news story that casts PM Trudeau in a positive light, and scuff it up at the top. This one contains the fact that this PM has followed through on 92% of pledges, in whole or in part - most of any govt in 35 yrs.
It is imperative that all Canadians get out and vote, it is also important that whatever we do we must make sure the CPC does not get a majority or like America we are doomed to be subservient to rich and the corporate interests.
Don't be fooled - Andrew Scheer CANNOT deliver on his promise to lower the cost of living - make sure he can't deliver for these guys.
Monday, August 26, 2019
A long but worthwhile read
People ask, how can you still want to vote for Trudeau after this. (Well actually, some people sneer, clearly thinking those of us who continue to support him lack their great wisdom and judgment). I will tell you why I do.
First, I think I’ve been clear in my comments thus far that I question Dion’s factual and legal conclusions. At the worst, based on his conclusions, Trudeau intentionally went as far as he believed he legally could to get WR to grant the DPA, but didn’t intend to cross the line.
But let’s say he did intentionally cross the line. How do I vote, knowing that being ethical is so important for someone in power. Well, I have to balance that w what happens when Cons are in government. Who wins, and who loses.
Financially, I win w a Con govt. My taxes may go down (they went up under Trudeau). I’m middle aged, white, comfortably retired, in a long term and loving relationship, physically and mentally healthy. I’ve got nothing to lose w Scheer in govt.
My guess is that many of those media and academic types calling for Trudeau’s head right now have nothing to lose either. They live comfortably, work in their office building and ivory towers, talk about data, and research and basically do really smart academic kind of things.
I have a comfortable life. Many might say I have a great life. I am lucky. Unlike most of you tho, I have a real appreciation for how lucky I am. I have spent most of my career working w and advocating for the most vulnerable people in society.
I’m talking about the working poor, the poor, and the desperately poor. I’m talking about the mentally ill, the physically less able, the people w FASD or other cognitive disorders who cannot function in society without assistance. I’m talking about refugees or immigrants.
Now lots of academics and journalists write about these people. They may even do studies on them. Precious few work w them on a day to day basis. Precious few have any real understanding of the barriers they face just to survive. Politicians have even less understanding.
So why is this important? I’ve practiced law thru various federal and provincial governments and have a 1st hand knowledge of how policy affects these people. Provincially, underfunding social, education and health is devastating.
Federally, keeping immigrant families apart, hardline refugee policies (including, under Harper, deporting Convention Refugees which I understand had not been done under previous govts), failure to address underlying causes of crime in any meaningful way, is devastating.
And what about the LGBTQ community? I used to see teens and young adults mired in addictions because their gender or sexual identity was shunned by their communities. We currently have the choice of a PM who openly accepts this community, or a PM who barely tolerates them.
And what about POC. Obviously I can’t speak for them, but is it any secret that hate groups are openly advocating white supremacy these days? Which govt will be more accepting of these groups?
Don’t tell me that we can choose to vote NDP or Green. That’s all nice and fluffy in theory, but we all know the only parties who can form govt are LPC or CPC. I don’t need some guy finger wagging at me telling me I have options outside the LPC. I don’t. We all know it.
So my vote isn’t for me. It’s for the country. It’s for the poor, the vulnerable, the disenfranchised. It’s for the people I think should have the same awesome life I have, and who will never get that life w a CPC govt.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Sunday's Ride - Daymak Florence Fat Tire E-Bike (Tricycle)
This is my latest mode of transportation, an e-trike with 4" fat tires, a bafang electric motor in the front hud and a 5 speed Shimano derailer.
It is an awesome way to travel but a whole new riding experience. With the convention 2 wheel bike, e-scooter or motorcycle you are always riding vertical regardless of the road contour and when cornering you lean with the bike whereas a trike follows the road contour and you have to counter by leaning opposite to the lean of the trike or it will toss you off or tip.
It has 3 modes of power, pedal, pedal assist where the motor kicks in or full throttle where you have the option to peddle or to use the throttle it's great for uphill assist for us old farts.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Friday, August 23, 2019
Just saying - What's your spin Andrew Scheer
Harper’s former Parliamentary Secretary, Dean Del Mastro, found guilty of election fraud;
• Government found guilty of election fraud 5 times in 8 years;
• The only party in Canadian history to be found in contempt of Parliament (endorsed by a Conservative Speaker of the House;
• Spent $611 million on Partisan advertising, another $7.5 just for radio ads
• Spent $7 million in partisan anti-drug ads in just 3 months
• Spent $700,000 fighting Canada’s veterans in court
• Spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars developing partisan legislation that stood no chance of withstanding a Constitutional challenge...and when all were overturned by the Supreme Court, began undermining the credibility of the Court, and its Chief Justice;
• Deception around Nigel Wright repaying the $90,000 Conservative Senator Mike Duffy defrauded from taxpayers, closing off investigation and refusing to give details….with RCMP finding all trails lead back to Stephen Harper’s office;
• undemocratic ‘Fair Elections Act’ removing ability of Elections Canada to do its job;
• Auditor General reported $3.1 billion in anti-terror funding missing; using taxpayer dollars to fund partisan personal attack ads;
• Spent $750 million taxpayer dollars in partisan advertising;
• found guilty on three separate occasions of election fraud and campaign financing violations;
• Allowed XL Foods meat processing plant to continue to process and distribute tainted meat for 3 weeks after U.S. stopped importing for the same reason;
• Over spent those cabinet-approved ad budgets by $128-million — more than 37 per cent…..all the while cutting funding to important government programs;
• Shut down Committee investigating F-35 purchase scandal;
• Conservative campaign staff proven to be behind Guelph Robocalls;
• Lied to Parliament and the Canadian public about the true cost of the F-35's,
• Auditor General proves fraud and incompetence in Government's F-35 purchase,
• Muzzled federal scientists and public servants and Increased the size of the federal public service by 32,000 employees; increased government spending by 30% to a record $276 billion,
• $150 billion in the red. The largest deficit in Canadian history,
• Industry Minister Christian Paradis stays in Cabinet after being found in violation of the Conflict of Interest Act;
• First Government in Canadian History to be found in Contempt of Parliament,
• Took $38.2 billion Liberal Surplus, and ran it into 53 Billion Dollar Deficit,
• screwed up G8 and G20 Meetings,
• Veterans Affairs Minister Fantino criticized for spending $4 million on advertising programs for veterans rather than investing the money in services;
• $1.3 billion in unspent funding for Veterans returned to Treasury to help balance budget after Veterans Services cutbacks; and
• Slashed funding to the federal immunization program by 23% since 2006.
And yes Andrew you were not only an MP but you were speaker of the house you sleeze.
• Government found guilty of election fraud 5 times in 8 years;
• The only party in Canadian history to be found in contempt of Parliament (endorsed by a Conservative Speaker of the House;
• Spent $611 million on Partisan advertising, another $7.5 just for radio ads
• Spent $7 million in partisan anti-drug ads in just 3 months
• Spent $700,000 fighting Canada’s veterans in court
• Spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars developing partisan legislation that stood no chance of withstanding a Constitutional challenge...and when all were overturned by the Supreme Court, began undermining the credibility of the Court, and its Chief Justice;
• Deception around Nigel Wright repaying the $90,000 Conservative Senator Mike Duffy defrauded from taxpayers, closing off investigation and refusing to give details….with RCMP finding all trails lead back to Stephen Harper’s office;
• undemocratic ‘Fair Elections Act’ removing ability of Elections Canada to do its job;
• Auditor General reported $3.1 billion in anti-terror funding missing; using taxpayer dollars to fund partisan personal attack ads;
• Spent $750 million taxpayer dollars in partisan advertising;
• found guilty on three separate occasions of election fraud and campaign financing violations;
• Allowed XL Foods meat processing plant to continue to process and distribute tainted meat for 3 weeks after U.S. stopped importing for the same reason;
• Over spent those cabinet-approved ad budgets by $128-million — more than 37 per cent…..all the while cutting funding to important government programs;
• Shut down Committee investigating F-35 purchase scandal;
• Conservative campaign staff proven to be behind Guelph Robocalls;
• Lied to Parliament and the Canadian public about the true cost of the F-35's,
• Auditor General proves fraud and incompetence in Government's F-35 purchase,
• Muzzled federal scientists and public servants and Increased the size of the federal public service by 32,000 employees; increased government spending by 30% to a record $276 billion,
• $150 billion in the red. The largest deficit in Canadian history,
• Industry Minister Christian Paradis stays in Cabinet after being found in violation of the Conflict of Interest Act;
• First Government in Canadian History to be found in Contempt of Parliament,
• Took $38.2 billion Liberal Surplus, and ran it into 53 Billion Dollar Deficit,
• screwed up G8 and G20 Meetings,
• Veterans Affairs Minister Fantino criticized for spending $4 million on advertising programs for veterans rather than investing the money in services;
• $1.3 billion in unspent funding for Veterans returned to Treasury to help balance budget after Veterans Services cutbacks; and
• Slashed funding to the federal immunization program by 23% since 2006.
And yes Andrew you were not only an MP but you were speaker of the house you sleeze.
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