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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Let's look at carbon overload in conservative terms

What science tells us is that with growing populations and increased usage of fossil fuels man is overloading the atmosphere with GHG's (carbon 12).

That is pretty straight forward.

To better explain the phenomenon lets say you bought a couple of cords of firewood to heat the house over the winter and you have just loaded the pickup to the manufactures maximum load capacity but there is still some firewood on the ground. You don't want to do two trips so you and your buddy start loading more but the fellow who sold you the firewood warns you that you are overloading your pickup and something could break.

You've been overloading the old girl for years so you ignore him because you believe she can take it. You finish loading and you and buddy hop in the cab, you fire up the old girl, put her in gear, lift the clutch and as she rolls forward you hear a load bang, the rear springs have snapped and the old girls ass is dragging.

That is overload just like what the article above tries to explain.... if we keep overloading the atmosphere with carbon 12 something will surely break.

The changes in the climate are a warning just like the warning the fellow gave you about over loading your truck.... it is almost too late so please start listening to science.

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