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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Beware of andrew Scheer


oronto, ON – Ahead of remarks being given today by Andrew Scheer in Toronto. Liberal M.P. Ahmed Hussen highlighted the economic risk and the dangers of continued divisive rhetoric on immigration from Scheer and his Conservative Party.
“Andrew Scheer has embraced the same sort of extreme right wing anti-immigration rhetoric that has become pervasive among right-wing populist parties around the world,” said Liberal M.P. Ahmed Hussen. “Andrew Scheer has perpetuated false information about global efforts to manage immigration and he even appeared at the same rally where a well-known xenophobic anti-immigration activist spoke.”
“This is more of the same from Andrew Scheer and the Conservative Party that created massive wait times for family reunification and made reckless cuts to immigration and refugee programs that were called cruel and unusual treatment by the Federal Court,” said Hussen. “From stoking fear with snitch lines and cutting refugee health services, to running ads that peddle false information and outright conspiracy theories, Canadians know that Conservative politicians see immigration policy as a way to fear monger and divide Canadians.”
Our Liberal government sees immigration as an important economic policy. Study after study shows that immigration creates jobs, fills labour shortages and grows the economy. That is why we set up important programs like the Global Skills Strategy, the Student Direct Stream, the start-up visa program, Express Entry, the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, the Francophone Welcoming Communities and the Rural and Northern immigration pilot. These programs have brought in thousands of immigrants to fill labour shortages, establish new businesses in Canada and create opportunities for all Canadians. These policies have also made Canada the destination of choice for talented people from around the world as well as those seeking to invest in these talented people. Our plan has allowed for these people to create more jobs for Canadians and continue to grow the economy for years to come.
“After ten years of failed Conservative immigration policy, our Liberal government is restoring confidence in the immigration system by investing in the resources it needs to attract newcomers to our country, shorten wait times and provide fairness and equality for all,” said Hussen. “Canadians don’t want to go back to the old days and old divisive ways of Stephen Harper and that’s what Andrew Sheer has to offer.”

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