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Friday, May 31, 2019

Know the numbers not the conservative deception

Next time someone says Canada is not a major player in Climate Change. The what-about-ism argument, think of it this way.
Share of global carbon emissions, 2016. (IEA)
China: 28%
US: 15%
India: 6%
Russia: 5%
Japan: 4%
Germany: 2%
South Korea: 2%
Iran: 2%
Canada: 2%
Saudi Arabia: 2%
Brazil: 1%
Mexico: 1%
Australia: 1%
Indonesia: 1%
South Africa: 1%
UK: 1%
Italy: 1%
Turkey: 1%
France: 1%
Poland: 1%
Consider US & China make up 43%. Of 193 remaining countries, we create 2%. Per capita, we are way up in the list. For example, France is double our pop but half the emissions. Germany has almost 90 million yet they only generate the same amount as us. Japan's population is 128 million which means even they still generate less per person than in Canada.
I believe that in order to make headway on climate change we need to look at emissions on a per-capita basis. As a democracy, we all take responsibility with our vote so we also must share the burden of climate change.
Of note, we create more carbon per-capita than the US and even China. All things being equal, Canada, based on population vs world population would be around 0.005% vs 4%.

1 comment:

  1. And, if you consider all the trees in Canada, that serve as a carbon sink, the carbon per capita in Canada is even higher!!!
    OMG. The C per captia is misleading. China might have a low C/person, but they have billions of ppl who live in poverty per western standards, and, yet, have very small C footprint. Yet, China is a major polluter.
