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Friday, May 17, 2019

Fact checking Scheers Trumpian tweet - False/Misleading

Conservatives introduced the child benefit. Liberals opposed it, saying parents would blow the money on “beer and popcorn.” Happy the Liberals have flip-flopped. As Prime Minister, I will protect the child benefit without raising taxes on parents like the Liberals have. (1/2)
11:04 AM - 6 May 2019
Any Liberal who says I will reduce the child benefit is spreading falsehoods. Conservatives created the child benefit. As Prime Minister, I will continue to protect it. (2/2)

The Facts:

1) Childrens allowance was introduced in 1944

2) Mulroney after promising not to touch the childrens allowance cancelled it in 1972. (Yup a conservative told a lie)

3) The National Child Benefit (NCB) was introduced in 1997

4) The Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB)—which looked remarkably like the Family Allowance that had been canceled 14 years earlier—was introduced by the Harper Conservatives after they canceled Paul Martin’s promised plan to make federal funds available to the provinces to create new child care spaces. 

5) The 2016 federal budget—the first under a Justin Trudeau government—contained important provisions for child benefits. In creating the Canada Child Benefit(CCB), the federal government increased federal spending on child benefits, making them more generous for low- and middle-income households, and less generous for higher-income households. Households earning more than $200,000 annually do not receive any benefit at all (which wasn’t the case prior to the 2016 federal budget). 


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