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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Our senior years should be our leisure time

That’s not how it works not only does the body start to breakdown but complications raise their ugly head with the younger generation.

Sadly our granddaughter has fallen off the proverbial wagon and walked away from everything that ever mattered to her. She no longer speaks for herself but rather lets the drugs speak for her. She has abandon her two children ages six and eight, fortunately her mother (our daughter) was there to take them in, Tina is a fighter and has quickly learned the system. Although she herself is on disability she is managing well. The great grandkids have blossomed under her care although they wonder what they did wrong to make their mother leave them. Tina assures them that they did nothing wrong and that mommy is sick and seeking help.

Unfortunately that isn’t true Amber has gotten worse, she is now down to about 100 lbs. She has cut off contact with everyone close to her including us. She is pregnant again and this one like her first will be born addicted. Amber did manage to get clean and stay clean for about seven years but this time seems very different. She appears to have quit on herself.

It is hard to watch and to understand and all we manage to hear is second hand from those who know her and see her occasionally. Children's Services are bringing her to court to allow their grandmother to keep them hopefully for the children all will work out.

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