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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Andrew Scheer and the CPC are what they are White Nationalist sympathizers and supporters

Painful Truth: Why did Andrew Scheer speak at an event with a white nationalist?

Appearing at the same event as Faith Goldy shows Scheer’s judgment is lacking.

Why did Andrew Scheer, leader of the federal Conservative party, share a stage with a white nationalist and neo-Nazi sympathizer this week?
It’s a pretty big question, so let’s look at how we got here.
The trouble started back in December, when Scheer jumped onto the conspiracy theory bandwagon with both feet. He was suddenly concerned – very concerned! – about the UN Compact on Migration. How could Canada give up “our sovereignty” to make decisions on immigration, he asked.
Well… we aren’t. As many, many people have tried to patiently explain, the compact is non-binding. It is not a treaty. It’s mostly a series of best-practices for countries dealing with migrants. A good portion of it is about trying to halt people-smuggling through better international cooperation.
But never mind that! The conspiracy theorists have been fanning the flames online! And Scheer clearly had their back.
This week, things got much, much worse.

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