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Monday, February 18, 2019

Can you find the links to Jason & the Cons?


Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection. 

Keean Bexte | The Rebel Live
Keean Bexte is a ""reporter"" for The Rebel. media, based in Calgary, Alberta. . A recent graduate from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Science in Energy Sciences and Energy Economics
Rebel Media reporter worked for white supremacist web store
Former executive on the University of Calgary’s controversial Wildrose on Campus club
Promoter of misogynistic alt-right film with the subject line “feminism is cancer.”
Delegate for Jason Kenney’s coronation at the 2017 Alberta PC leadership convention forced to resign due to extreme views
Promoter of oil/gas/pipelines.. (Say.. about that BA you have in... what was it again? Oh yes, energy sciences and economics.....)
Wait for it.... promoter of Yellow Vest Convoys
Yellow Vest Convoys by whatever name of the day
Protesting government inaction on pipelines
Protesting UN migration pact (head scratch)
Protesting "wide open borders"
Protesting government
Demand government help <head tilt>
Anti NDP
Hello Jason and the UCP
Dear Protesting Truckers:
The job vacancies are high. The party is over.

This one's for you:

Suncor driverless trucks will kill 400 net jobs, says company

Alberta energy company first oilsands mining operation to adopt the technology

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