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Saturday, February 16, 2019

I have a new gimmick when dealing with conservatives…

I am hearing impaired in my right ear, this happened while hunting deer in New Brunswick, I was paired up with “the one eyed man”. My partner had lost his right eye in a work accident and being right handed he had to lean his head over the stock and aim with his left eye. As you can imagine this was quite awkward.

Well as fate would have it we rounded a curve on an old woods road, I was to his left and a few steps ahead, we both saw the buck and 2 doe at the same time and raised our rifles, as you can appreciate the awkward position of his sighting caused the barrel of his rifle to pull to the left “BANG” the ensuing discharge and muzzle blast left me hearing impaired a little more to the left and he would have hit me in the head leaving me deaf in both ears.

To compound my problems I was diagnosed with Age-related Macular Degeneration which fortunately is the dry type. While on vacation in the Dominican I broke my glasses and Pat had to read the menu everywhere we went. Upon our return I went to get new glasses and during the eye test we discovered the macular degeneration had progressed, the chart was black.

When I close my right eye and look at people with the left their face is a blur, which can be an advantage, now when sitting with a conservative I close my right eye and turn my right ear toward them an “POOF” they no longer exist.

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