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Thursday, February 28, 2019
A failure at journalistic integrity the G&M have exposed themselves for what they are... a tabloid
Top civil servant slams SNC-Lavalin media report as erroneous, 'defamatory'
Privy Council Office clerk Michael Wernick delivers blunt testimony at justice committee
Canada's top civil servant has refuted a bombshell media report that alleged political interference in the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, claiming it included "errors" and "unfounded speculation" and was "defamatory."
Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick, testifying at the justice committee today, was referring to a Feb. 7 Globe and Mail report that touched off a political scandal and triggered the resignation of cabinet minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's principal secretary, Gerry Butts.
"I'm here to say to you that the Globe and Mail article contains errors, unfounded speculation and, in some cases, is simply defamatory," he said.
Andrew Scheer and the CPC are what they are White Nationalist sympathizers and supporters
Painful Truth: Why did Andrew Scheer speak at an event with a white nationalist?
Appearing at the same event as Faith Goldy shows Scheer’s judgment is lacking.
Why did Andrew Scheer, leader of the federal Conservative party, share a stage with a white nationalist and neo-Nazi sympathizer this week?
It’s a pretty big question, so let’s look at how we got here.
The trouble started back in December, when Scheer jumped onto the conspiracy theory bandwagon with both feet. He was suddenly concerned – very concerned! – about the UN Compact on Migration. How could Canada give up “our sovereignty” to make decisions on immigration, he asked.
Well… we aren’t. As many, many people have tried to patiently explain, the compact is non-binding. It is not a treaty. It’s mostly a series of best-practices for countries dealing with migrants. A good portion of it is about trying to halt people-smuggling through better international cooperation.
But never mind that! The conspiracy theorists have been fanning the flames online! And Scheer clearly had their back.
This week, things got much, much worse.
Some hard truth for the twisted minds of the conservatives
‘You Have Forgotten’: Seven Conservative Attacks on Canada’s Veterans
Pensions killed, offices shut, benefits clawed, a billion dollars unspent, and more.
Last year retired general Rick Hillier, the former head of the Canadian Military, spoke about high rates of suicide and mental anguish among Canadian soldiers returning home:
“I do not think we had any idea the scale and scope of what the impact would be. I truly do not. This is beyond a medical issue. I think many of our young men and women have lost confidence in our country to support them.”
And why would they not, given the callousness of the Harper government? In the past decade Conservatives closed offices, cut 900 jobs, clawed back benefits, killed lifetime pensions for Afghanistan veterans, and failed to spend $1.13 billion of the Veterans Affairs budget but found money to increase advertising and ceremonies for politicians to honour veterans.
Here are seven ways the Harper government has waged war on its own veterans.
An inconvenient truth on conservative misspending
Ottawa’s spin doctor payroll rivals that of the Commons
When we’re spending nearly as much on spin as we are on the House of Commons, we’re on a very slippery slope indeed.
Last week, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation released the head count and salary costs of the federal government’s legion of information services staff.
The numbers, released in response to an access to information request, reveal that 3,325 spin doctors toil for the Harper government at an estimated cost this year of $263 million.
Despite the Harper government’s avowed objective to reduce the federal public service by 19,000 positions, the ranks of communications staff have grown by 163 since the Conservatives took office, while costs have risen by $48 million.
The combined payroll of federal spin doctors rivals the $329-million payroll of the House of Commons, the beating heart of our democracy, the institution we rely upon to keep hundreds of thousands of federal officials accountable.
And the payroll hit for communications staff — $263 million — does not include the RCMP, the military, the Canada Revenue Agency, independent tribunals such as the Canadian Human Rights Commission or Crown corporations. This is just the core public service we’re talking about. Who knows what it costs Canada Post for media spinners to explain that community mailboxes are better for us than door-to-door delivery?
Now, $263 million might be a reasonable price to pay — it might even be a bargain — if the federal government actually provided Canadians with public information in a timely manner.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Debunking the anti-vax fools
People Are Applauding This Nurse Who Shut Down Anti-Vaxxers Using Their Own Logic
The “vaccines cause autism” argument – even though it has been thoroughly debunked – isn’t the only reason why some people choose to risk their own or their children’s lives to preventable diseases like polio or measles. Some choose to do so because they believe that vaccines are nothing more than an evil scheme used by “Big Pharma” to exploit the public and its wallets.
Congratulations to the NDP of Alberta
Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour was a key plank in the Alberta New Democratic Party’s 2015 election platform. At the time, Alberta was tied for the lowest minimum wage in Canada ($10.20 per hour) and had the dubious distinction of having the highest level of income inequality and the largest gender income gap.
"All in all, minimum-wage hikes don’t hurt our economy, they help more working Albertans share in the province’s prosperity."
Alberta hikes minimum wage, adds food service jobs for the third straight year
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Knee replacement surgery
If you are reading this around noon Eastern time in Canada I am in surgery having a full knee replacement.
On October 26th of 2018 I had the right knee replaced and amazingly I had no pain what so ever after surgery however this time I anticipate having pain but then what do I know.
Hopefully the left goes as well.
I have tried to post in advance so please bear with me if I am a little slow
On October 26th of 2018 I had the right knee replaced and amazingly I had no pain what so ever after surgery however this time I anticipate having pain but then what do I know.
Hopefully the left goes as well.
I have tried to post in advance so please bear with me if I am a little slow
Excellent coverage
Why there is no quick fix for Alberta's malaise, no matter how much we want one
'Perhaps the hunt for such a fix is itself a problem that blinds us to a need for a multiplicity of solutions'
Michael Wernick opening statement
Full opening statement of Michael Wernick, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to Cabinet, at the beginning of his testimony to the justice committee regarding SNC Lavelin.
Monday, February 25, 2019
The ever dangerous Mr. Harper
As you read of Harper's booby trapped contractual obligation to Huawei (massive penalties for backing out), remember he was on Fox News December 7th last year to say this.
He knew it was a national security issue; he signed it anyway.
To own the Libs. …
Banning Huawei from Canada's 5G networks could be costly for taxpayers
As the Trudeau government decides whether to join its security and trading partners in banning Huawei Canada from supplying technology to build Canada's 5G wireless network, it risks an expensive lawsuit under the terms of a foreign investor protection agreement signed by its predecessor.
Stephen Harper's Conservative government concluded negotiations on the Canada–China Agreement for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments in 2012. At the time, it was seen as a necessary precursor to the comprehensive free trade talks the two countries hoped eventually to explore.
Now, those trade talks are on ice due to tense diplomatic relations with Beijing. And the investor protection treaty now threatens to complicate any plans the Liberal government has to keep Huawei out of Canada's high-speed 5G network.
That might explain why Canada is taking so long to make a decision about Huawei — even as the U.S. and other members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, as well as major European players like Germany, have moved to shut the company out of their wireless infrastructure, despite warnings about increased costs and rollout delays.
Under Canada's investment agreement with China, Huawei Canada — as an existing investor that already owns assets and has business relationships here — "can bring a claim at any time against Canada, for any kind of regulatory action," said Gus Van Harten, a professor at Osgoode Hall Law School who specializes in the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms in treaties like this one.
A little education for the intellectually bankrupt conservative
The new numbers provide a reality check for some industry advocates who have incorrectly argued that Quebec is importing crude from Saudi Arabia instead of supporting and buying oil from the Canadian industry.
Guess where Quebec gets its oil
The anti-christ CPC
Andrew Scheer Joins White Nationalist Faith Goldy, Hate Group Members to Endorse Yellow Vests Convoy
Andrew Scheer and members of his Conservative caucus attended and spoke at the Yellow Vests Convoy rally in Ottawa. Attendees of the rally included white nationalist Faith Goldy and members of prominent far-right anti-immigrant hate groups.
Scheer delivered a speech at the rally, assuring participants the “we’re fighting for you. We’re standing with you.”
From the Smithsonian
What Happens When Predators Disappear
It’s Predator Week here at the blog. What’s your favorite predator, either existing or extinct?
Eliminating predators from an area may be seen as a good thing; you’ve gotten rid of the animal that has been killing off your livestock or even your neighbors. Others often see the loss of these species with a somewhat sad, romantic eye; how awful to never again see such a creature. But the reality of the loss of predators is far worse, say ecologists reporting in Science, and “may be humankind’s most pervasive influence on nature,” they write.
Part of that is because the worst extent of such a disappearance—extinction—is irreversible, unlike other environmental impacts, such as climate change. But it’s more because the loss, or even reduction in numbers, of predators in an ecosystem can set off something caused a “trophic cascade” in which the change in predator population has effects across the food web and ecosystem. For example, when wolves were eliminated from the American West, there were changes in the elk population and the vegetation the elk ate.
Read more: the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12!
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Sunday, February 24, 2019
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Only in Germany
Dog shoots man: Court rules owner not fit for firearms license
BERLIN — A German court has ruled that a dog owner isn’t fit to carry a firearms license after his dog shot him with a rifle.
The Munich administrative court on Tuesday dismissed the man’s appeal against an earlier decision by Bavarian authorities to withdraw his license to own a rifle, as well as his hunting permit.
The decision followed a 2016 incident in which the man, a passionate hunter, was shot in the arm after his dog managed to release the trigger on a loaded rifle that was lying in his car.
The court ruled the hunter couldn’t be relied upon “because it must be assumed that he will handle firearms and ammunition carelessly in future as well.”
Friday, February 22, 2019
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Drinks 10 cents
Four old guys are walking down a street when they see a sign that readsOld Timers Bar - ALL drinks 10 cents.They look at each other and then go in, thinking this is too good to be true.The old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room, "Come on in and let me pour one for you! What'll it be, gentlemen?"There's a fully stocked bar, so each of the men orders a martini.In no time the bartender serves up four iced martinis shaken, not stirred and says, "That's 10 cents each, please."The four guys stare at the bartender for a moment, then at each other. They can't believe their good luck. They pay the 40 cents, finish their martinis, and order another round.Again, four excellent martinis are produced, with the bartender again saying, "That's 40 cents, please."They pay 40 cents, but their curiosity gets the better of them. They've each had two martinis and haven't even spent a dollar yet.Finally one of them says, "How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a dime apiece?""I'm a retired tailor from Phoenix," the bartender says, "and I always wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the Lottery Jackpot for $125 million and decided to open this place. Every drink costs a dime. Wine, Liquor, beer it's all the same.""Wow! That's some story!" one of the men says.As the four of them sip their martinis, they can't help noticing seven other people at the end of the bar who don't have any drinks in front of them and haven't ordered anything the whole time they've been there.Nodding at the seven at the end of the bar, one of the men ask the Bartender, "What's with them?"The bartender says, "They're retired people from Florida. They're waiting for Happy Hour when drinks are half-price.
Thanks Father Marc
The Last Laugh
Woman’s obituary gets the last laugh with cremation joke: 'I finally have the smoking-hot body I have always wanted'
Thanks Graham
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The white supremacist crying train arrived on Parliament Hill
That is a tiny turnout.
Guess few Canadians want to be associated with white supremacists.
SK Sen. David Tkachuk thanked them for rolling all the way to Ottawa, and urged them on the return trip to "roll over every remaining Liberal."
Conservative classy. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
Read thread:
Pro or anti #pipeline no one should ever encourage a crowd to run over their political opponents. Senator David Tkachuk did just this today at the #UnitedWeRoll rally. Shameful behavior @SenateCA #CDNpoli
Read thread:
A point to ponder:
With approximately 100 trucks in this convoy which is supposed to pressure the government to build pipelines that are already planned or under construction one has to wonder what the cost of this ridiculous show of opposition is.
A go-fund-me post by a trucker was looking for a total of $5000.00 for fuel, food and lodging. With 100 or so trucks in the convoy the total cost is nearly half a million dollars, money that could have been better spent on the needy than on political grandstanding for something that is already in the works.
To further aggravate the rest of Canada these same whiners complained when the federal government bought a pipeline that had been stalled so that it could be completed
Do they even know what they want?
Is this bullshit by the conservatives just a distraction?
Read thread:
Pro or anti #pipeline no one should ever encourage a crowd to run over their political opponents. Senator David Tkachuk did just this today at the #UnitedWeRoll rally. Shameful behavior @SenateCA #CDNpoli
Read thread:
A point to ponder:
With approximately 100 trucks in this convoy which is supposed to pressure the government to build pipelines that are already planned or under construction one has to wonder what the cost of this ridiculous show of opposition is.
A go-fund-me post by a trucker was looking for a total of $5000.00 for fuel, food and lodging. With 100 or so trucks in the convoy the total cost is nearly half a million dollars, money that could have been better spent on the needy than on political grandstanding for something that is already in the works.
To further aggravate the rest of Canada these same whiners complained when the federal government bought a pipeline that had been stalled so that it could be completed
Do they even know what they want?
Is this bullshit by the conservatives just a distraction?
It’s the largest project in the history of Enbridge, itself the largest oil and gas pipeline company in North America. If completed as planned in mid-2019, it will boost oilsands export capacity by 375,000 barrels per day — over half of what the Trans Mountain Expansion will add.
But it’s likely you’ve never heard of Line 3.
The mega oilsands pipeline you’ve never heard of
The new pipeline has been billed as a replacement for the existing, aging infrastructure, but in reality is a massive expansion that will nearly double the capacity from what Enbridge says is a low of 390,000 barrels of crude oil per day to 760,000 barrels a day.
The perversion of the CPC, PC and UPC is subverting our democracy and civil rights
Why I’m Scared About What’s Happening In Canada Right Now
An ugly, newfound boldness threatens to dominate the next federal election. This shift to the right is keeping me up at night.
I’m scared about what’s happening in Canada.
When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, many of us Canadians wagged our fingers smugly at our southern neighbour. “What were they thinking?” we said to one another in line at Tim Hortons. We spent the next year or so glued to CNN, more captivated by American politics than what’s happening here.
We might have wanted to pay more attention.
The tide in the Great White North appears to be shifting right — but not in the way we’re used to. This isn’t a typical liberal-conservative tug-o-war, the ebb and flow we’ve seen throughout election cycles. This new movement is one that has already swept through Hungary, Poland, the U.S., it’s fuelled Brexit in the U.K. and has seen the rise of the far-right party Alternative for Germany, who have been compared to the Nazi regime. And it’s tilted so far to the right that it threatens to upend our democracy and the very liberties we’ve fought for.
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