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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Where is the outrage from the new leader of the CPC? - Oh yes, on Rebel News

The Rebel Had An Awful Lot Of Sympathy For The White Supremacists In Charlottesville

"There has been a rising in, I think, white racial consciousness," host Faith Goldy told viewers.

Just after 1:00 this afternoon, Rebel Media personality Faith Goldy captured one of the clearest videos of the car that mowed into anti-racist protesters at the apparent culmination of the “Unite the Right” convergence of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia. The driver, who is in custody but has not yet been identified, killed one person and injured nearly 20 others.
In the hours and minutes leading up to that moment, however, Goldy had spent her live Periscope broadcasts rationalizing the rally organized by white nationalist Jason Kessler — an “extremist” to whom the Rebel once paid the revenues from a video that contained material plagiarized from him — and complaining about what she saw as the unfair treatment of the alt-right by authorities. In particular, she expressed the (wildly incorrect) view that American police are more generous toward Black protesters than white ones.
Goldy — a proponent of the concept of “white genocide,” who thinks that most Jews are “giant Democrat-donor losers,” and also believes there should be a new Crusade to expel Muslims from the Holy Land — was a popular presence at the event, occasionally interrupting her broadcasts to oblige selfie requests.
For those who may believe that the attitudes on display in Charlottesville were part of a uniquely American phenomenon, we have transcribed excerpts from Goldy’s four August 12th Periscope videos.

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