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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Early reaction to Donald Trump--
"The President of the United States just defended neo-Nazis and blamed those who condemn their racism and hate. This is sick."
--Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass)
"Thank you, President Trump, for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa"
--David Duke, former KKK leader
"As a Jew, as an American, as a human, words cannot express my disgust and disappointment. This is not my President."
--Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
More reaction to Trump presser:

We must be clear. White supremacy is repulsive. This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity.
--House Speaker Paul Ryan
The response to this ideology of hate & bigotry, & the act of domestic terrorism, should be simple & united condemnation without ambiguity.
--Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
Just stopped on roadside to read @POTUS remarks. I nearly threw up. An American President offering a defense of white supremicists. My god.
--Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut)
The organizers of events which inspired & led to #charlottesvilleterroristattack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons.
--Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida)
Great and good American presidents seek to unite not divide. Donald Trump’s remarks clearly show he is not one of them.
--Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
My parents fled Nazi Germany. There's no "many siding" this Mr. President.
--Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon)
What Trump did today is a moral disgrace.
--Conservative columnist Charles Krautammer
No place for racial hatred or extremism in @USMC. Our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment frame the way Marines live and act.
--General Robert Neller-Commandant United States Marine Corps

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