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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Well done America

Increased tourism, Donald? Should you choose to visit Guam sometime, the Secret Service may inform you that they don't have sufficient personnel to keep you safe on the island, and I don't mean from Kim Jong-un.
"The worst bombs that have ever been dropped on Guam were yours near the end of World War II. At the beginning of the war, you left us defenseless to the Japanese, knowing full well that they were planning to invade Guam all along. You safely boarded your white military wives on ships and sent them home months before the attack, but did nothing to protect us. That's right, the last time an invading nation that you said you would protect us from attacked, you surrendered in 2 days and left 20,000 people to suffer, many falling victim to the most atrocious of war crimes."

An Open Letter from Guam to America

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