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Thursday, August 17, 2017


There is absolutely no other party or group to blame for the resurgence of the various supremacy groups other than the President of the United States Donald J. Trump Sr. 

White privileged Christians are NOT under attack from new Americans, Jews or Muslims but rather they are under attack by white privileged Christians the likes of POTUS who have twisted the truth, told outright lies, cut services, education funding, social program funding and have pointed their finger at immigrants to distract the disenfranchised American from the truth. 

Control media, control message, propagandize continuously. The gift of neoliberalism. The governments have shifted further and further to the right for many decades. Trump is the latest and boldest iteration. He has emboldened and empowered hate to move to action. He preached to their distrust in the American process and convinced them that he was their messiah while his intent was more nefarious, to create a for profit presidency.

He is gutting regulations and pointing elsewhere. His narcissism is so powerful he cannot hide it or his imagined entitlement. He cannot play the game the past leaders have played. He is the ugly underbelly inside neoliberalism. His beliefs and lack of appropriate statements tell all that is needed.

It is time for the people to take back America from their true oppressors the Tea Party Conservatives and White Privileged Christian extremists.

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