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Friday, August 18, 2017

These are not your grandparents' conservatives.

So, we have seen CPC MPs at Rebel Rallies, on the stage, as special guests. As well as being interviewed on Rebel Media podcasts. And who can forget the "barbaric cultural practices tipline"? We have seen Alberta MLAs on the right as guests at Rebel Media events as well. We have seen the level of discourse online and at the podium at events from Alberta's very vocal right. Everything from anti-immigration, vandalism at mosques, assaults on women in hijab, death threats to female progressive politicians, forcing female, more progressive candidates (for the Alberta PC party), out of the race for leadership of the party, illiterate calls for a "kudatah", suggestions that LGBTQ+ kids should be outed by their schools....

And the striking similarity of the rallying cries from Alberta and the neo-Nazis in the US. "Unite the Right". Coincidence? With Rebel Media personalities being active (and very supportive) in both cases?
I suggest that the right wing in Canada is very closely allied with the "white nationalist" movement in the US. Stephen Harper was a member of the ultra right-wing Northern Foundation. The roots between the re-branded conservative movement in Canada and the tea party/white supremacist/neo-Nazi movement in the US go deep.
We cannot afford a Trump. We cannot have racially-fuelled, homophobia-fuelled, misogyny-fuelled hatred live and active on our streets or in our government. Remember this. They are connected. Time will come to cast ballots in your province, or federally. Make sure you understand what the options are. Make sure you remember the very ugly underbelly of modern conservativism. These are not your grandparents' conservatives.
Thanks Norlaine

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